GNRC has submitted an official report to the Secretariat of the Synod, representing the hopes and concerns of LGBTIQ Catholics, family members, and allies worldwide. Based on input received during Synod Listening Sessions, conducted by Co-Chair Marianne Duddy-Burke during our Mexico City Assembly, our report documents what our community values in our church, how we have experienced exclusion and discrimination in the church, and our hopes for Synod outcomes. GNRC’s submission is an important confirmation of the need for the church to better care for and embrace its LGBTIQ members and our families, which was documented in many of the reports submitted by dioceses and organisations across the globe.
The full Report to the Secretariat of the Synod – including the detailed answers for the questionaire – is available in Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
Other sources linked to the Secretariat of the Synod from GNRC:
- Statement to the Vatican Synodal Process by the European Forum
- About Good Practices: An LGBTIQ Pastoral Care Initiative in the Church? by Luis Mariano González
- Invitation with “S” for the Synodal Path by Sr Maria Luis Berzosa
- Survey on Latin LGBTIQ Catholics for the Synod by the Latinamerican Groups of GNRC
Other sources linked to the Secretariat of the Synod from our member groups and allies:
- From the Margins to the Center by New Ways Ministry
- Toward a Christlike Church: Synodal Report of the People of God by DignityUSA