GNRC Board 2022 – 2025
The GNRC Board now operates under its newly implemented constitution. The two Co-Chairs, Secretary, Treasurer, Region Representative, Diversity Representative and Media Co-Ordinator were elected by its members at the Mexico Assembly in September 2022
You may find the previous Boards here:
Board Composition
Christopher Vella – Co-Chair
Christopher studied history and sociology at university and became a history teacher, first at the secondary school level and later as lecturer in a pre-tertiary University College associated with the University of Malta. While his primary research has been on the...
Marianne Duddy-Burke – Co-Chair
Marianne Duddy-Burke was the Board member representing North America and Secretary of the GNRC Board. She is the Executive Director of DignityUSA, the largest and oldest organisation of Catholics committed to justice, equality and full inclusion of lesbian, gay,...
Paolo Alaqua – Secretary
Paolo Alacqua has represented Acceptance Sydney in GNRC since attending the Second Assembly in Munich in 2017. He joined the Membership and Nominations Committee at that time and served as Chair from August 2018 to August 2022. He also attended the Third Assembly in...
Victoria Rodriguez – Treasurer
We are all made of love, in likeness to our celestial Father. He made us to love and to be loved. Our love comes from Him so to negate our love is to negate Him. Dr. Victoria Rodriguez (she) is a trans mother of 3 children. She has a PhD in Molecular Biology and works...
Ruby Almeida – Media Co-ordinator
Hails from India and has lived in England as a Non Resident Indian since the late 1960s. She has worked in media for over thirty years. She set up a training and production company as a co-operative for Asian women in London, England. She worked as a Senior Lecturer...
Susanne Birke – Equality and Diversity Officer
Susanne Andre Birke has been part of GNRC since attending the First Assembly in Rome in 2015. A member of the Theological Committee and Embracing Womyn, she* also attends Spiritual Formation events when possible. Susanne is a Roman Catholic theologian with...
Antonio Siliceo Ortiz – Region Officer
Antonio Ortiz Siliceo was Board representative from the Latin American and Caribbean region. He was born in 1978 in Mexico City into a traditional Catholic family. He graduated from the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) with a BA in Graphic Communication...