
The Global Network of Rainbow Catholics promotes the dignity and safety of every individual person within our member groups, in our organisational structures, and in all our interactions with people coming from all backgrounds. GNRC believes that all people should be valued, supported and protected from harm and recognises the personal dignity and rights of vulnerable people towards whom GNRC has a responsibility.

GNRC is wholly committed to ensuring the safety, well-being and dignity of all persons and acknowledges its important legal, moral and spiritual responsibility to create a safe and nurturing environment for everyone.

GNRC has very clear expectations in matters relating to protection of minors (*), younger adults, and vulnerable (**) adults. It expects minors and vulnerable adults to be protected from all forms of harm including sexual, physical and psychological harm, coercive behaviour, ill treatment and neglect.

While GNRC does not work primarily with minors, it firmly prioritises the safety and well-being of all minors attending its activities, whether as part of an activity planned specifically for them, or in activities where they are accompanying their parents or legal guardians in a GNRC activity.

GNRC will undertake appropriate steps to maintain a safe environment for all persons within its activities. In exercising its responsibility, GNRC pledges to respond sensitively and compassionately to their needs to help keep them safe from harm.

GNRC expects its member groups to put in place and follow safeguarding policies within their organisations. Member groups should ensure that they comply with safeguarding legislation in their own country, as well as following the corresponding safeguarding policies of the Catholic Church, particularly those issued by the Vatican (***) as well as the national Bishops’ Conference.

GNRC does not condone any abuse within its structures or within its member groups. To this end, GNRC will take measures to address any non-compliance within its structures and membership and will initiate disciplinary procedures as per our Bylaws towards any members and individuals that do not adhere with these standards.

* A minor is defined (under Italian jurisdiction where GNRC is legally registered) as an individual under the age of eighteen years.

** Vulnerable persons, under EU law, are here taken to include Minors, unaccompanied minors, disabled people, elderly people, pregnant women, single parents with minor children, victims of trafficking in human beings, persons with serious illnesses, persons with mental disorders and persons who have been subjected to torture, rape or other serious forms of psychological, physical or sexual violence, such as victims of female genital mutilation.




GNRC Safeguarding policy


  1. Introduction

1.1. GNRC is focused on ensuring that as much as possible it offers a safe space to all its officers, volunteers, contractors, participants and guests. For this purpose, safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility within GNRC.

1.2. The Board monitors and exercises control so that all officers, volunteers, contractors, participants and guests to GNRC activities and platforms respect and ensure compliance with the Policy. Furthermore, the Board monitors compliance with the Policy by all Councils, Commissions, and Committees within GNRC.

1.3 The Board will appoint a Safeguarding Representative to coordinate all efforts related to Safeguarding. For every in-person event, organisers will appoint a safeguarding link person. This link person will liaise with the GNRC Safeguarding Representative on safeguarding issues for these events.


  1. Addressees and areas of application of the Policy

2.1. This Policy is addressed to all those who operate, directly or indirectly within GNRC, in various capacities, or represent the Organisation in relation with third parties, including but not limited to:

  1. Individuals serving as Board members, members of Councils, Commissions and Committees;
  1. Contractors, collaborators, interns and trainees working within GNRC;
  1. Volunteers;
  1. Participants at GNRC events or guests on GNRC online platforms.


2.2. Each addressee must respect the principles of the Policy and the related rules of conduct.


  1. The Principles of the Policy

3.1. The rights and well-being of every individual operating and participating in GNRC events are the organisation’s overall concern. Children and vulnerable adults are a particular concern in all circumstances.

3.2. Everyone has an equal right to be protected from harm or abuse, regardless of gender, culture, ethnic origin, age, religion, sexual orientation, social status, ability or any other factor.

3.3. Every individual has the duty to report to the Safeguarding Representative or the Safeguarding Link person, any dangerous situations, real or potential, for any other individual, especially vulnerable adults and children, even when they are simple suspicions.

3.4. Reports are dealt with in confidence by the Safeguarding Representative or the Safeguarding Link person.

3.5. In managing such reports, the need to promptly report to the competent authorities will be considered, depending on the severity of the case, where necessary and in compliance with local legal requirements.

3.6. Children attending GNRC in-person events must be accompanied by an adult.

3.7. Children and vulnerable persons have the right to be heard, and their point of view must always be considered in all aspects of GNRC work and business.

3.8. Individuals working for GNRC in a paid or voluntary role must be aware of the Safeguarding policy and should receive training on Safeguarding where appropriate to their role. It is imperative that Board members and Regional Coordinators receive such training.

3.9. Individuals working for GNRC in a paid or voluntary role must behave according to the highest ethical and professional standards and as established by the Code of Conduct included in this Policy.




To ensure the full implementation of the principles listed above, GNRC adopts a proactive approach and uses the prevention measures and good practices listed below:

4.1. Make risk assessments for GNRC events and activities.

4.2. Require all Board members, Council and Committee members to sign a self-declaration that they do not have a criminal record related to abuse, violation of child protection and pedophilia.

4.3. Awareness and training: GNRC intends to increase awareness and encourage everyone to take responsibility for Safeguarding. For this reason, this Policy must be disseminated through various channels: intranet, official website, and communications to contractors and volunteers.

4.4 Reporting and response system: Any individual witnessing an abuse should immediately report the incident to the Safeguarding Representative or the Link person for in-person events as applicable. GNRC will follow the proper process, as explained in Article 3 of this Policy, to respond to these reports in the shortest time possible.

4.5 Agreements with Assembly hosts, suppliers, partners and third parties in general: The Board will ensure that Assembly hosts, suppliers, partners and third parties who will be present at GNRC in-person events are aware of this Safeguarding Policy.


All individuals participating in GNRC activities or acting in representation of GNRC, commit to:

  1. Respect the rights of all individuals, especially minors and vulnerable adults, in all circumstances and in all aspects of one’s work and/or activity in any capacity carried out for GNRC, including volunteering, and to always consider the well-being of minors as a priority.
  1. Ensure that the dignity of all individuals is protected.
  1. Not share photos, videos or stories of any individual that could put them at risk or show them in a humiliating, degrading or vulnerable condition.
  1. Always treat all individuals equally, without discrimination, regardless of gender, culture, ethnicity, age, religion, sexual orientation, ability, social status, or any other factor or condition.
  2. Maintain appropriate boundaries when coming into contact, directly or even indirectly (via social media and virtual channels), with minors and vulnerable adults, and behave in such a way as not to compromise the dignity and trust of such persons.
  1. Give particular consideration to those individuals with special needs or who require a higher level of care, so that they can benefit from the same level of protection and opportunities as all other people.
  1. Respect the cultural and religious differences of the individuals and their families and demonstrate sensitivity towards this aspect in every interaction with them.
  1. Follow training on Safeguarding for Minors according to the role one holds, and the degree of risk identified for the activities carried out.
  1. Treat any personal data with the utmost regard to their security and privacy and collect, store and share only appropriate information. All particular data will be used in accordance with the provisions of current legislation and the Privacy Policy in place.
  1. Avoid unwarranted physical contact with any individual without due consent, and especially with minors and vulnerable adults that could cause misunderstandings.
  1. Not commit any form of physical abuse towards any individual, or any other act or any form of contact which may harm the other individual.
  1. Not commit any emotional or psychological abuse towards any individual (by way of example and not limited to: insulting, humiliating, intimidating, isolating).
  1. Not seek or entertain relationships of a sexual nature with a minor in all circumstances. Consensual sexual relations between adults do not fall under the purview of this policy.
  1. Not exhibiting unacceptable behaviours such as, by way of example, and not limited to committing obscene acts, exposing minors to pornographic material, making sexual provocations, touching a minor inappropriately.
  1. Not cause any damage of an economic or material nature (by way of example and not limited to: theft, fraud, improper use of goods) to an individual during work, volunteering and/or activities of any kind carried out.
  1. Reject any form of harmful conduct towards any individual (by way of example and not limited to: bullying, negligence, denial of care, disregard for physical or emotional needs).
  1. Not encourage or tolerate participation in illegal activities.
  1. Procedure for reporting and taking charge of cases involving the Safeguarding of minors


  1. Participants, GNRC volunteers, workers etc. who witness a situation of potential abuse, must report such potential abuse to the Safeguarding Representative or the Safeguarding Link Person as applicable.
  1. Victims of inappropriate behaviour or abuse may approach the Safeguarding Representative or the Safeguarding Link Person directly.
  1. The Safeguarding Representative or the Safeguarding Link Person will approach the alleged victim and the alleged abuser and investigate the situation and attempt to find a resolution that is acceptable to all parties. If in their evaluation, the inappropriate behaviour or alleged abuse warrants further action, the Safeguarding Representative or Link person will notify the Board, who will follow the complaints procedure.
  1. If an allegation is made because of inappropriate behaviour that occurs outside of GNRC, the Safeguarding Representative and the Board will evaluate whether disciplinary proceedings should be applied in this case.
  1. If the alleged abuse is serious enough, it should be reported to the authorities:
  1. If the alleged abuse occurs at an in-person GNRC event, it needs to be reported to the local legal authorities (e.g. police).
  2. If the alleged abuse occurs in an online environment using a GNRC platform, it needs to be reported to competent Italian authorities.