The Latin LGBTIQ Catholics of the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics and ally groups seek to investigate the experience of their community in the laic and ecclesial sphere and identify possible scenarios of transformation, greater inclusion and visibility within the Synodal process and local pastoral work. So, more than 800 Latin LGBTIQ Catholics, their families and allies answered from November 19th to 26th the “Survey on Inclusive Latin LGBTIQ Catholics for the Synod”. The results of the survey release for the first time trends, perspectives, experiences, and demographics of the Latin LGBTIQ Catholics, their families and alies in the Church.
About the Survey on Latin LGBTIQ Catholics
You may find here – as a downloadable PDF File – the Survey on Latin LGBTIQ Catholics for the Synod in English, Spanish and Portuguese
The following is a brief list of answers and trends that lead us to build some general and major insights that are part of the Rainbow Letter to the Ecclesial Assembly that was shared on November 26th during their Online Meeting as well as on GNRC Social Media and Website:
- 98% of those who answered the survey have are part of the LGBTIQ community, allies or would like to see a more positive approach for the rainbow catholic community in the church.
- 33% described that they only some times feel themselves as part of the Church and even an additional 6% argued that they do not feel part of the Church. This rises many questions: Where does the message of love and embrace get lost? What makes this particular community feel as different from the rest?
- 81% of the Catholics who answered believe that presenting direct testimonials from LGBTIQ people and their families is the best way to reflect on the issue.
- Only 4% considers that the LGBTIQ community and their families have adequate and relevant spaces for the recognition and living of their faith inside the church.
- 99% believes that a major step for inclusion is the recognition of the presence of LGBTIQ people and their families in the Church, establishing that sexual orientation and gender identity are not an option but rather part of human creation and diversity
Sample Size, Standar Error and Other Clarifications of the Survey on Latin LGBTIQ Catholics
The Survey was answered by a total of 822 people during the reviewed period – Nov 18 to 26 – where 757 of them (92% of the sample) declared themselves as Catholics. To exclude potential bias linked to answers related to practices and experiences from other Christian denominations or religious beliefs, the other 8% of the sample was excluded from the later data results and conclusions. Anyway, it´s important to note that within the referred 8% there are people who complemented by declaring themselves as “former Catholics”, linking it directly due to their traumatic experiences as LGBTIQ+ individuals inside the church.
The survey is considered a representative sample of Latin LGBTIQ Catholics that belong to inclusive communities as according to the group consulted in the region, their current total and active membership arises to more than 1.200 people, including LGBTIQ+ folks, their families and allies. Then, we can find that 509 of the people in the survey declare themselves to belong to these communities, which is more than a 72% higher than the minimal sample size requested to make it statistically significant.
Anyway, for purposes of simplicity, the total non-biased sample of 679 Catholics were considered in the major insights. A more specific analysis between those who belong to the target communities, outside allies, other LGBTIQ Catholics and Non-LGBTIQ/Allies Catholics people, will be included in an oncoming report.
Es importante ver este manifiesto
Me llamo Daniel. Soy católico por educación, por convencimiento, por estudio, por experiencia de vida, soy gay, vivo en las sierras de Córdoba en Argentina. Tengo 59 años y estoy casado en matrimonio igualitario desde hace 11años; tengo dos hijos adoptivos (¡que felizmente ya portan nuestro apellido!) de 19 y 21 años, ambos hermanos de sangre. El más chico NOS ELIGIÓ a Oscar y a mí como sus padres. Aclaro también que desde hace unos 8 años volví a participar activamente en las celebraciones litúrgicas de mi parroquia con el servicio de la Música. Quiero expresar que SIGO BUSCANDO en mi entorno (provincia, arquidiósesis de Córdoba) un lugar o un grupo a dónde dirigirme para profundizar en la visibilidad y la pertenencia activa a la iglesia católica como gay (en cierto sentido el cura párroco sabe que somos pareja igualitaria, pero “de eso no se habla” sería más o menos lo más positivo, al darme participación en los sacramentos… Bueno quise aprovechar esto porque la ocasión del SÍNODO sería una bendición si pudiera participar con apoyo del movimiento “arco iris”. Espero intercambios. Dejo mi CORREO
Hola Daniel! Me gustó saber que has podido regresar a la Iglesia en tu situación y que eres feliz. Tengo una hija trans y deseo para ella su inclusión social y también religiosa. Estoy en Buenos Aires pwro en Córdoba tienen al Padre J. Reinando. Está en las redes. Creo que a través de él quizás puedas hacer algo por el arco iris 🙂
Jlreinaudo en Instagram es el Padre que te digo.