On many levels this letter on the Outreach site is great news!

Fr. James Martin wrote to Pope Francis asking three questions, and the Pope replied almost immediately with a hand written note on the new site Outreach. The Pope’s affirmation and love for our marginalised community are very important sentiments, and something that we yearn to see in our Church and in society.

Two of our GNRC Board members, Secretary Marianne Duddy Burke and Co-Chair Ruby Almeida, representing other organisations have given their responses to the article by Fr. James Martin in the Outreach publication that includes Pope Francis letter.

“The continual affirmation that we are an integral and beloved part of the family of Christ is such an important message that needs to be said and heard by the LGBT+ community and by society at large. A parent never tires of telling their child how much they love them, and certainly that child blossoms in that knowledge and environment of love. And, as children of God we too need to hear those messages of love and acceptance.” Ruby Almeida on Independent Catholic News (ICN)

“As someone who will be speaking at the Outreach conference, and as a married Lesbian Catholic mother with a transgender child, I am glad to know that this event is on Pope Francis’ radar. It is vitally important that church officials, including the Pope, are aware of and publicly acknowledge gatherings of LGBTQ and Ally Catholics. It is encouraging that he sent warm greetings.” Read the full reference by Marianne Duddy-Burke on The Advocate 

We acknowledge, with pride that many of our Board members are actively engaged not just on the GNRC Board but are also involved and contributing with other LGBT+ groups – such as the new Outreach site -, and who advocate for all our communities through their media commentaries.