This is a summary of GNRC´s greatest 2021 hits on our Website and Social Media. Are you ready to get surprised? Farewell 2021 and Welcome 2022! Spoiler Alert: Our Celebrations, Theological Resources and Pope Francis are present in most of the cathegories.
2021 Hits: Most Popular Contents on our Website
Our website was totally renewed on June as a gift on Pride Month and since then we are getting more and more visitors in each month! This milestone was one of GNRC´s 2021 hits but most importantly allowed us to track and identify the most popular contents among our community.
2021 Hits Sections
1. Contemplative Spiritual Formation Gathering (More than 400 visits): This section us updated bi-weekly and introduces our CSF Committee work and oncoming oline gatherings.
2. Theology Cathegory (More than 300 visits): Our community is in need of affirmative perspectives and arguments o LGBTIQ Catholic issues.
3. GNRC Mission, Ethos and Values (More than 200 visits): Everybody wants to know more about the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics heart!
2021 Hits Articles
1. Queer Catholic Theologians of Color Offer “A New Agenda for Catholic Theology and Ministry” (More than 400 views): A group of LGBTIQ+ Catholic theologians and advocates from the Americas, Asia-Pacific regions, and Europe held a conference at Loyola University of Chicago to discuss being Catholic, LGBTIQ+, and a person of color.
2. Survey on Latin LGBTIQ Catholics for the Synod (More than 300 views): More than 800 Latin LGBTIQ Catholics, their families and allies answered from November 19th to 26th the “Survey on Inclusive Latin LGBTIQ Catholics for the Synod”.
3. Groundbreaking New Report from Global LGBTIQ Catholic Group Urges “Changes to How Theology of Sexuality and Gender is Done” (More than 200 views): The Global Network of Rainbow Catholics released the statement “Catholic Sexual Conversations in a Diverse Church” in an online event on YouTube to discuss about how theology of sexuality and gender must be reviewed
2021 Hits: Most Popular Post on Social Media
Yeah, we could say that we definetely have an issue with Pope Francis and any positive sign that comes from the Clergy supporting LGBTIQ issues. These three News related to our community in the Catholic Church became some of the 2021 hits on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
1. Letter from Pope Francis to Fr James Martin sj (More than 4k views and 0,5K interactions): Fr James Martin sj and the Outreach 2021 team did such a great job that even Pope Francis sent them a letter to express his support for their welcoming and inclusive approach to the LGBTIQ Catholic community. Good work to all those involved in such an amazing Webinar!
2. Pope Francsis greets Sr Jeannine Gramick SL and New Ways Ministry (More than 3.5k views and 0,4K interactions): Pope Francis writes two warm letters to New Ways Ministry, calls Sister Jeannine Gramick, SL, longtime LGBTQ advocate, a “valiant woman.” Francis: “I know how much she has suffered… She is a valiant woman who makes her decisions in prayer.” More info on the National Catholic Reporter
3. Love Wins in Germany Video (More than 3k views and 0,5K interactions): Congratulations to the German Church by the massive blessings for same-sex couples celebrated yesterday across the country! This is an amazing step for the effective visibility, inclusion and welcoming of the LGBTIQ+ community inside the Church.
2021 Hits: Most Popular Videos
Celebrate the traditional Catholic seasonalities and gather to pray or meditate with our rainbow Catholic are the best way to catch our attention.
1. Fourth Sunday of Advent 2021 – A Suyaquiqui Full of Love and Hope (170 views): We´d like to share the petitions and prayers from many GNRC members as well as listen to Christmas carrols, and a final bless from Sr Jeannine Gramick and Fr James Alison. Several Catholics rise their voices and send a message of love and hope to our global community.
2. An Encounter with the Heart of Mary (165 views): The LGBT Women from the Latin American Communities welcomed us to pray surround Mary on June 12.
3. Be Welcome to Our GNRC Contemplative Spiritual Formation Gatherings (90 views): Frank Testin – part of the GNRC Contemplative Spiritual Formation Committee – invites you to our bi-weekly contemplative gathering.