This is a summary of Catholic LGBTI News from North America. We receive constantly more News for this section so check it weekly for updates.
México: Many Mexican Bishops, supported by Catholics conservative groups, started a campaign of misinformation and attacks, after the proposal of President Enrique Peña Nieto on the national extension of Equal Marriage beyond the Federal District. At the beginning of August, they released a Press Release that included the mention “When the State turns something legal doesn´t make it moral”. By mid september a massive anti-marriage equality protest was made in several cities across México, but the picture of the peaceful response from a 13 years old kid turned viral and represented many people who see the inclusion of LGBTI people in society as a worthy value. “Our country and those people that belongs to the sexual and gender diversity of our society, including their friends and family, suffer, feel anger and watch with horror the polarized and extreme climate that Catholic conservative groups has recently created”, says Lilia Ruiz from the LGBT Catholic Group Sembrando Unidad en la Diversidad (Seeding Unity in Diversity). For more information read a detailed article of the Massive Protests from ABC and the Support from Mexican Bishops to Reparative Therapy from Bondings 2.0 (courtesy of New Ways Ministry).
JUNE 2016
USA: With deep sadness at the tragic News of the Orlando Shooting last June, we wrote a letter directed to the Orlando Community and started a Signature Campaign to express our sorrow and solidarity. We called on our LGBTI Catholic community to share their respects and commiserations through vigils and masses.
APRIL 2016
USA: Many LGBTQI Catholic Communities expressed their opinions before and after the release of “Amoris Laetitia”. This wide diversity of statements moved from hope, deception and/or peace but all having the common link of faith and the search of inclusion and recognition inside the Church. Find a consolidated list of the most relevant letters, press releases and other articles Dignity USA, New Ways Ministry and other groups ligated to the Catholic LGTBQI Community on Michael J Bayley blog called The Wild Red.