Find here the full list of Catholic Books on LGBTIQ Witness from rainbow folks, their families and allies.

The Image They See – Paul Becker. English: In my vision and through brief witness, I want to inspire readers to dig into their souls and search for the true meaning of diversity. No matter how we best describe what diversity means to us in our lifetime, we have already experienced the true meaning. My expectation after reading the book is to make everyone understand how important it is to live together without hate, accept those who are different, and welcome into our lives anyone who chooses to express themselves openly. Our world is changing day by day, and it is our responsibility to take hold and change how we live.

Acts of Faith, Acts of Love: Gay Catholic Autobiographies as Sacred Texts – Author: Dugan McGinley. English : The Book explores the overlap of religious and sexual identities in the stories gay men write about themselves. The autobiographical writings of forty gay Catholics (or once Catholics) are analysed. The work is both literary and theological on the premise that experience constitutes one of the four sources of theological reflection, along with scripture, tradition, and reason.

Are There Closets in Heaven?; A Catholic Father and Lesbian Daughter Share their Story – Author: Carol Curoe and Robert Curoe. English : This Book is a honest and revealing first-person dialogue between a lesbian daughter, who had always dutifully tried to please her parents, and her Catholic father, an eighty-one-year-old farmer from Iowa. Through their letters and reflections, we see how courage and love made it possible for Bob and Carol Curoe to navigate the twists and turns of such a dramatic shift in their lives.

And GOD saw it all was very good: Catholic LGBT in Europe – Author: Hazel Barnes. English : These stories are for reading silently and for reading out loud, by all people – whether religious or not, whether LGBT or not. The authors share their witnesses of being LGBT and Catholic to help increase awareness, understanding and acceptance of LGBT Catholics and to ease the journeys of those still working on how to live out being both LGBT and Catholic.

Fortunate Families: Catholic families with lesbian daughters and gay sons – Author: Mary Ellen lopata. English : The book had its genesis in a descriptive survey of over 200 such parents. It integrates results from the survey, church documents and stories so readers can access what they need most. Some readers will search for accurate information about Catholic teaching; others may connect with the witness of other Catholic parents. Still others will find examples of ministerial advocacy and support within the Catholic Church.

NEW! Fortunate Parents (Original: Genitori Fortunati) – Author: Multiple Authors. Italian / Spanish : A text specifically designed to help parents and Christian communities to reflect on family, sexual diversity and religion. Also, the booklet explores through some reflections and bibliographic studies present at the end of the volume.

NEW! Hidden Mercy: AIDS, Catholics, and the Untold Stories of Compassion in the Face of Fear – Author: Michael J. O´Loughlin. English : Set against the backdrop of the HIV and AIDS epidemic of the late twentieth century and the Catholic Church’s crackdown on gay and lesbian activists, journalist Michael O’Loughlin searches out the untold witnesses of those who didn’t look away, who at great personal cost chose compassion–even as he seeks insight for LGBTQ people of faith struggling to find a home in religious communities today.

NEW! Love Tenderly: Sacred Stories of Lesbian and Queer Religious – Author: Grace Surdovel, IHM. English: This is an anthology written by twenty-three vowed women religious who embrace their sexual identity as lesbian or queer. While telling their witnesses of self discovery and acceptance they explore questions related to vowed life, falling in love, and advice they would give to a lesbian or queer woman considering religious life. Readers will be inspired and challenged to deeper consideration of their own psycho-sexual-spiritual journey.

More than a Monologue: Sexual Diversity and the Catholic Church – Author: Christine Firer and J. Patrick Hornbeck. English : This distinctive new publication, explore sexual diversity and the Catholic Church, gathers an important set of these voices: the witnesses and reflections of Catholic and former Catholic LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer) persons, their friends, family members, and those who teach and accompany them.

NEW! Seeking Sanctuary: Stories of sexuality, faith and migration – Author: Jihn Marnell. English : The book reveals the nuance, complexity, contradictions and paradoxes that exist at the intersection of ‘faith, belonging, identity and mobility’ and does so by grounding itself in the first-person witness of individuals who too often are the ‘objects’ of academic study, rather than self-determining subjects.

Out of Silence: God has Called Me – Author: Janet Rozzano. English : A lesbian religious reflects on her experience.

NEW! Ways of Reconciliation (Original: Caminos de Reconciliación) – Author: Pablo Romero. Spanish : This witness book wants to collaborate with the reconciliation of people, the Church and part of society. A reconciliation that is above all with themselves, starting from an issue as essential to life as sexuality, but which goes hand in hand with a renewed relationship with God and with others.

Who am I to Judge? (Original: ¿Quien soy Yo para Juzgar?) – Author: Carolina del Rio. Spanish : This book portrays the live experiences of LGBTI people, their parents and counselors, in one institution – the Catholic Church – who traditionally has condemned homosexuality. They describe the long path made and their quests to be loyal to Jesus Gospel. While the recognition of sexual diversity walks by in our society, the Catholic Church remains it as a pendant task.

NEW! Witness of Diversity (Testemunhos na Diversidade) – Author: Multiple Authors. Portuguese : The work is composed of 21 reports from people linked to pastoral groups of LGBTQI+ Catholics and lay collectives in Brazil, that are safe spaces for respectful reception, sharing experiences and living the Christian faith in community for people with dissident sexualities and gender identities, friends, family and allies.

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