by dekaz | Mar 16, 2021 | Italian
Il Global Network of Rainbow Catholics risponde alla Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede e al suo “Responsum al dubium riguardante la benedizione delle unioni di persone dello stesso sesso”. Inglese / Spagnolo / Italiano / Portoghese / Cinese /...
by dekaz | Mar 16, 2021 | Spanish
La Red Global de Católicos Arcoíris responde a la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe y su “Responsum to a dubium sobre la bendición de las uniones de personas del mismo sexo”. Inglés / Español / Italiano / Portugués / Chino / Francés 16 de marzo de 2021. La Red...
by dekaz | Mar 16, 2021 | Press release
LGBTIQ Catholic Groups Worldwide Remind the Vatican and its CDF Responsum that “What God Has Made Clean, You Are Not to Call Profane” The Global Network of Rainbow Catholics responds to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and its “Responsum to a dubium...
by dekaz | Mar 5, 2021 | Chinese
全球天主教彩虹网络报道称,加纳天主教主教团的声明引发加纳LGBTIQ社群遭受攻击 English / Español / Portuguese / Italian / French / Chinese...
by dekaz | Mar 5, 2021 | French
Le Réseau mondial des catholiques arc-en-ciel rapporte que la communauté LGBTIQ ghanéenne est attaquée suite à une lettre des évêques catholiques du Ghana. English / Español / Portuguese / Italian / French / Chinese 3 mars 2021. Le Réseau Mondial des Catholiques...