Today, we remember.
Transgender Day of Remembrance is a solemn occasion, a day to honour and mourn the lives of transgender people who have been taken from us through acts of violence and hatred.
As Catholics, we are called to stand with those on the margins, just as Christ did. The Gospel invites us to love courageously, to reject fear, and to work for a world where every person’s dignity is upheld. Transgender individuals bring unique gifts and perspectives to our communities, but far too often, their lives are undervalued, and their voices go unheard.
In their memory, let us recommit to our idea that every life is sacred, made in the image of God; let us recommit on our responsibility to challenge prejudice and promote acceptance in our parishes, homes, and societies; on the power of prayer and solidarity.
May the memory inspire us to embody the Gospel values of love, inclusion, and hope.