by Fernando Gonzales | Sep 2, 2020 | Africa, Europe, Press release
Global Catholic Group calls on Vatican to Reverse Recent Positions that Harm and Dehumanize LGBTIQ+ Catholics and their Families The Global Network of Rainbow Catholics supports LGBTIQ+ people in Poland and LGBTIQ+ Refugees whose rights are denied by Church officials...
by Fernando Gonzales | Jun 11, 2020 | North America, Press release
The Global Network of Rainbow Catholics supports DignityUSA and Fortunate Families chapters after being banned by Archdiocese of Detroit English / Spanish / Portuguese / French / Italian June 11, 2020. The Global Network of Rainbow Catholics (GNRC), representing...
by Fernando Gonzales | Sep 28, 2015 | GNRC
ROME: THE FIRST LGBT CATHOLIC INTERNATIONAL MEETING TO BE HELD FROM 1ST- 4TH OCTOBER AHEAD OF THE SYNOD ON THE FAMILY Harmony, dignity and equality in the Catholic Church and Society (Rome 28/09/2015) – The first Assembly of the Global Network of Rainbow...