GNRC Press Release N°12: Global group of LGBTI Catholics declares: “We rejoice at Pope Francis’ action in helping a group of transgender women, because the Gospel is about examples of love beyond words”

GNRC Press Release N°12: Global group of LGBTI Catholics declares: “We rejoice at Pope Francis’ action in helping a group of transgender women, because the Gospel is about examples of love beyond words”

The Global Network of Rainbow Catholics celebrates the Vatican’s economic support to a group of transgender women in Italy requested by Pope Francis English / Spanish / Portuguese / French / Italian / Chinese May 1, 2020. Pope Francis surprised the world yesterday...


Chinese / English / Español / Français / Italiano / Portugues 我们注意到从教宗方济各对教会接纳同志人士的积极步伐的一步危险退步。在最新的《神职圣召的恩赐/The gift of the priestly vocation》文件中,圣职部(The Congregation for the Clergy)以充满歧视性的言语强调了对同志人士进入修院并最终晋铎的一些要求。...