Find a list of Rainbow Resources on Easter Week 2022 from our faithful Catholic communities and allies in their original language: Videos, Images, Guidelines and inspiring words.
Easter Week in English
- James Alison reflection and liturgies on his YouTube Channel Praying Eucharisitically
- New Ways Ministry shares its Lent Series and Reflections during this whole week
Easter Week in Spanish
- Find a Special and Graphical LGBTIQ Via Cruxis on Diversidad Vocal Instagram account
- Daily Easter Reflection by Padis Colombia on its Instagram account
- An Eastern Rainbow Manual for the Via Cruxis to review daily by Padis+ Peru
- The Gospel from Out of the Closet – daily reflection – by Ichthys Cristianos LGBTH de Sevilla
Easter Week in Portuguese
Easter Week in French
Easter Week in Italian
- Progetto Gionata shares daily witnesses and reflecions on Lent 2022
You may find also our previous year resources on this season: