Groupes catholiques LGBT ignorés par la Rencontre Mondiale des Familles du Vatican
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24 juillet 2018. Le GNRC (Réseau Mondial des Catholiques Arc-en-ciel) est «profondément consterné et déçu» par le manque de réponse des responsables en charge de la Rencontre Mondiale des Familles 2018 à Dublin, en Irlande. Le GNRC, représentant 32 groupes catholiques LGBTI du monde entier, a demandé un stand le 17 avril 2018. Malgré des demandes répétées pour une décision concernant leur candidature, et l’information selon laquelle des stands sont encore disponibles, le GNRC n’a reçu aucune réponse.
Le GNRC n’est pas le seul à ne pas avoir reçu de réponse. We Are Church Ireland, un groupe de catholiques attachés à l’esprit de Vatican II, n’a pas non plus été informé si sa demande de stand a été approuvée.
Le silence sur le stand des groupes vient à la suite d’une histoire conflictuelle sur les questions LGBTI pour la Rencontre Mondiale des Familles 2018. Malgré les premiers commentaires de l’archevêque de Dublin Diarmuid Martin et d’autres responsables religieux irlandais qui s’attendaient à ce que les couples homosexuels et les familles LGBTI soient les bienvenus à la réunion, un livret promotionnel pour l’événement parrainé par le Vatican a supprimé des images censées représenter des couples homosexuels et leurs familles. Des propos de David O’Connell, évêque auxiliaire de Los Angeles et originaire de Cork, ont également été supprimés d’une vidéo qui faisaient référence à des modèles familiaux incluant ‘un couple gay élevant des enfants, des personnes en secondes noces’. Des orateurs homophobes et homosexuels sont maintenant à l’ordre du jour. réunion.
Ruby Almeida, coprésidente du GNRC qui a soumis la demande pour un stand, a déclaré: « Les tentatives d’obtenir une réponse au sujet de notre stand d’exposition des représentants de la Rencontre Mondiale des Familles ont été très frustrantes. Nous nous sentons complètement ignorés. Nous espérions que nous pourrions apporter un soutien à nos amis catholiques qui ont des membres LGBTI dans leur famille. De nombreuses familles se posent des questions sur la meilleure façon de soutenir les personnes homosexuelles et transgenres qui sont membres de la famille, ce que l’Église enseigne vraiment à notre sujet, et comment et pourquoi nous choisissons de rester catholiques. Notre espoir était de fournir un lieu où ces familles puissent avoir des conversations honnêtes avec des personnes qui ont traité les mêmes questions, leur fournir des ressources et les aider à entrer en contact avec des personnes dans leur propre pays qui pourraient fournir un soutien continu. Nous avons beaucoup à leur offrir, ainsi qu’aux responsables de l’Église chargés de servir toutes sortes de familles. »
Ruby Almeida a poursuivi: « En raison du retard et du refus répété des responsables de nous donner une approbation, il n’est plus pratique pour nous de faire cette ouverture. Les gens avaient besoin de s’absenter du travail et d’organiser leur voyage. Le fait de traîner les pieds signifie que nous ne serons pas en mesure de fournir un soutien à nos compagnons catholiques par le biais d’un stand de sensibilisation à la Rencontre Mondiale des Familles. »
Christopher Vella, co-président du GNRC a déclaré: « C’est une réalité que des personnes et des familles LGBTI font partie de l’Eglise. Il y a des millions de catholiques qui sont LGBTI, et des centaines de millions qui ont des membres LGBT de leur famille. Ils méritent un ministère et une pastorale efficaces, comme tout le monde dans notre Église. Les responsables de l’Église n’ont pas toutes les réponses — beaucoup ont eux-mêmes des questions. Nous sommes prêts à être une ressource pour ces familles et pour les dirigeants de l’Église. Il est tragique que notre assistance et notre expertise ne soient pas accueillies avec enthousiasme. »
Christopher Vella a ajouté: « Cela semble suivre un schéma historique de suppression des voix LGBTI et des récits de catholiques LGBTI. Ce sont les voix pleines de foi de nos familles aimantes et les voix encourageantes de nos communautés ecclésiales. Nous croyons que les responsables de la Rencontre Mondiale des Familles ne voulaient pas s’occuper de nouvelles controverses liées à l’inclusion des réalités LGBTI catholiques. Plutôt que de faire face aux retombées d’une décision, ils ont calé et ignoré notre demande. Ce manque de considération pour les besoins des participants potentiels nous a dérangés et nous a frustrés. Nous attendons mieux de notre Église. »
Le Réseau Mondial des Catholiques Arc-en-ciel a envoyé des lettres demandant des éclaircissements sur le stand au révérend Tim Bartlett, à chef de l’équipe d’organisation de la Rencontre Mondiale des Familles 2018, à l’archevêque Diarmuid Martin de Dublin et au cardinal Kevin Farrell, président du dicastère for les Laïcs, la Famille et la Vie. À ce jour, il n’a reçu aucune forme de réponse ou d’accusé de réception.
Les coprésidents ont noté que les familles LGBTI seront toujours représentées à la Rencontre Mondiale des Familles, même sans stand. Marianne Duddy-Burke, directrice de DignityUSA (un groupe membre du GNRC), son épouse et leurs deux enfants adoptés participeront à l’événement. « Nous faisons partie de la famille catholique, a déclaré Duddy-Burke, et il est important que nous ayons une présence visible à cet événement et à d’autres événements catholiques. J’ai hâte d’entendre les questions des autres participants de cette réunion et de partager notre expérience en tant que famille catholique. »
Ruby Almeida,, tel no +44 7960 9854 96
Christopher Vella,, tel no +356 7925 3875
Marianne Duddy-Burke,, tel no +1 617 669 7810
Réseau Mondial des Catholiques Arc-en-ciel 2018
Nous vous demandons d’approuver ce communiqué de presse en votre nom ou au nom de votre groupe, de votre communauté ou de votre organisation, afin que nos voix puissent être entendues par les responsables en charge de la Rencontre Mondiale des Familles.
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- We are Church (Ireland)
- Rede Nacional de Grupos Católicos LGBT (Brazil)
- Quest (UK)
- Queerala (India)
- Padis+ (Chile)
- New Ways Ministry (USA)
- Kairós (Chile)
- Inclusive Catholics (Australia)
- IDNOWA (Western Africa)
- Ichthys Sevilla (Spain)
- Homosexuelle un Kirche (Germany)
- Grupo de Acao Pastoralde SP (Brazil)
- European Forum of LGBT Christians
- Efetá (México)
- Drachma Parents Group (Malta)
- Drachma LGBTI (Malta)
- Diversidade Católica (Brazil)
- DignityUSA (USA)
- David et Jonathan (France)
- Cristianos Inclusivos (Paraguay)
- Crismhom (Spain)
- Comocad (Peru)
- Chinese Catholic Rainbow Community (China)
- Cammini di Speranza (Italy)
- Call to Action (USA)
- CaDiv (Portugal)
- ACE (Australia)
- TEU (Uganda)
- Niji TOMO (Japan)
- LGBT+ Catholics Westminster (UK)
- FARUG (Uganda)
- Colectivo TLGB (Bolivia)
- Me, Jeffrey Stone, on behalf of Dignity USA from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: What a shame that GNRC will not be able to have a booth because of the lack of response. However, I am glad that Marianne Duddy-Burke from my organization, DignityUSA, will be present with her family to represent us.
- Me, Ursula Halligan, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Excellent statement. Well done.
- Me, Eros Shaw, on behalf of CCRC from China endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: LGBT Catholics should be there as we are the Church and we are Catholics families.
- Me, (Fr) Kieran Fitzsimons ofm, on behalf of Quest from UK endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: I fully endorse this Statement.
- Me, Dr. Michael Brinkschröder, on behalf of HuK from Germany endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Thank you for your protest against the ignorance of LGBTI families by church leaders. Their way of silencing and excluding LGBTI people and their families directly contradicts the decisions of the Family Synods and Amoris laetitia that it can only be considered as against the pastoral constitution of the church (Gaudium et spes) and against the gospel. The definition of family is changing in history. Jesus himself used a new definition of family that clearly transcended the biological family to make it more inclusive. When will the church leave dogmatism and the temptation to control everybody’s life behind and learn to embrace diversity?
- Me, Sr Joan M Winter OP, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Delay and forbid are the two most used techniques in all sorts of bureaucracies, secular and religious, the more worrisome and contentious the subjects the longer the delay. Not very consoling to those who wait but they do appear to be universal traits of bureaucracies.
- Me, Cammini di Speranza, on behalf of Italian National Association of LGBT Christian People from Italy endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: None.
- Me, Fausto Ernesto Vilela Cornejo, on behalf of Comunidad Católica de la Diversidad from Perú endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Las familias somos diversas.
- Me, Benjamin Oh, on behalf of Australian Catholics for Equality from Australia endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: We must begin to change this continual denial, and the the ‘editing-out’ and ‘erasure of LGBTI voices, stories and realities from the story of the people of God- the church. LGBTI Catholics and our loving families are an inextricable part of the wider Catholic family in the body of Jesus Christ.
- Me, Francis de Bernardo, on behalf of New Ways of Ministry from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: New Ways Ministry supports a GNRC booth at the World Meeting of Families in Dublin.
- Me, Gez Hodgson, on behalf of Quest in the North from UK endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: A very disappointing scenario. A lost opportunity for the Church to be seen to be inclusive rather than simply talk about it.
- Me, Anthony Girard, on behalf of Drachma Parents from Malta endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Some things never change.
- Me, Robert Eccles, on behalf of myself from UK endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: I am an English Dominican and have worked in campus ministry, hospital and prison chaplaincy, and in parishes, in England, Scotland and Belgium. I wholeheartedly support this letter. I note that Mary MacAleese has said that if the World Meeting of Families has no place for families with gay members (like her own) it holds no interest for her. I also note that members of the Bishops Conference of England and Wales have offered active friendship and support to gay people and groups. A refusal sets this meeting against the Catholics who look for an inclusive church that engages with all its members.
- Me, Brendan Mooney, on behalf of myself from UK endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: If the Catholic Church is committed to creating a culture of inclusion then this press release will be asking a very direct question: are we or aren’t we wanted and welcomed.
- Me, Miguel Angel Jaimes Campos, on behalf of Comunidad Católica de la Diversidad from Perú endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: I give my support to GNRC, because it´s important that voices from TLGBQ people be heard in the Catholic Church. TLGBQ people do a catholic life style inside their families in many ways: like sons, fathers, daughters, mothers, and so on. It´s important to all the catholic organizations know that topic.
- Me, Klara Chao, on behalf of myself from Taiwan endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: We, LGBTIQ, are part of the Catholic family.
- Me, Mario Antonio Ortiz Siliceo, on behalf of Efetá Community from México endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Es importante integrar y apoyar el crecimiento de todos, todos somos hijos de Dios, todos estamos llamados a ser parte de su Reino. GNRC es una red de apoyo a las familias diversas.
- Me, Simon Haskew, on behalf of myself from England endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: All members of the Church and their families should be represented.
- Me, Helen Allsop, on behalf of Quest from UK endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: I fully support the press release.
- Me, Fernando González, on behalf of Padis+ from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Let´s hope one day we´ll have the chance to contribute with all the Catholic community through our witness and dreams.
- Me, Anne Mooney, on behalf of myself from Ireland endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Blessed are the children… Jesus would welcome ALL of God’s beautiful family… Why do HIS representatives seek to exclude?
- Me, Dr Patricio Vasquez Vidal, on behalf of Padis+ from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Dios ama a todas y a todos. No mas discriminacion de ningun tipo por parte de autoridades la Iglesia Catolica. No lo permitiremos… laicos unidos!!!
- Me, William R Chapman Jr, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: I fully suport the Press Release of the GNRC. It is a great disservice to our Church, and contradictory to the message of love and acceptance as proclaimed by Jesus Christ, that the GNRC has not received approval to be present at the World Meeting of Families. LGBTQI Catholics are a vital and active part of our Church, and of God’s children. It is time for the Church to actually practice the unconditional love that it preaches.
- Me, Peter Johnstone, on behalf of myself from Australia endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: The behaviour of Church leaders towards the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics is discourteous, unjust and unChristian. This is not the love and inclusiveness that Jesus taught.
- Me, Susanne Andrea Birke, on behalf of myself from Switzerland endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Because Jesus is a descendant fo families and relationships of all kind. So how could we dare do exclude some of them?
- Me, Cristina LH Traina, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: What a shame that the World Meeting of Families refuses to recognize so many of us as members of not only our human families but also the Family of God.
- Me, Casy & Mary Ellen Lopata, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: We are Catholic parents of a gay son, grandparents of a Trans young man, and Godparents of two young men in a family headed by two married Catholic men. Why are our families being shunned?
- Me, Christopher Vella, on behalf of Drachma LGBTI from Malta endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Drachma endorses this statement and support the GNRC in their effort to have LGBT families be represented at such world gatherings. Let us be more inclusive!
- Me, Don E Siegal, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Censorship and ignoring LGBT persons in the Church will not make us disappear. We are all part of the people of God. God make us, and he didn’t make any mistakes.
- Me, Timothy MacGeorge, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: I pray that leaders of the upcoming World Meeting of Families 2018 will put into practice our very Catholic Christian belief that ALL people — including God’s LGBT children— are created in the Divine image and likeness. Recognizing this, I pray that LGBT families will be present and active participants in this important event in the life of the universal Church.
- Me, Loretta Larkey, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Praying that we all may be one.
- Me, Mary Hollomon, on behalf of Living Water Inclusive Catholic community from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Do not limit God’s love with your own prejudices.
- Me, Elaine Crawford, on behalf of New Ways Ministry from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: All families need to be represented at the conference in Ireland in August.
- Me, Rosemary Grebin Palms, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: What would Jesus do?
- Me, Margaret Savage Siewert, on behalf of Call to Action Maryland from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Know we are Christians by our love?
- Me, Clyde Christofferson, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: The institutional Church has a formal policy on homosexuality that — as it is slowly coming to realize — is at odds with God’s creation. Those who support the formal policy because they do not yet see what God has created apparently play an outsized role in the planning for the World Meeting of Families. While the resulting politics is understandable, it would be better for the institutional Church in the long run to respond positively to the modest requests referred to in the press release.
- Me, Lindsey Pembrooke, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Ignoring the voices of LGBTQ+ Catholics does not make us not exist. It does make Catholicism appear to be less than inclusive. I deserve to be able to openly worship and be embraced for who I am. My family deserves the same, as does every other Catholic who is or has a family member that is LGBTQ+. I was intentionally made by God and God loves me exactly as I am. Someday my Church will also love me as I am.
- Me, Sharon A. Guild-Stitt-, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: All are welcome By our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, how can the original church founded by Christ not act as Christ did? He welcomed everyone, healed & was merciful. We should be models of that love and mercy.
- Me, Vittorio Bellavite, on behalf of Noi Siamo Chiesa from Italy endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: The Global Network have the right to participate. The officials of the Church don’t agree the dialogue but in the base of People of God more and more the reality of catholics omo grow and more and more they are accepted in the parishes . The meeting in Dublin must show the presence of omo. Friends of Golbal Network be tenacious!
- Me, Jaime Vela, on behalf of Kairos from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: No body can separate us from God’s love (Romana 8), nor deny a voice!
- Me, Rev. Michael Sala, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: We are all members of one Body, so why are we so afraid to name all of the parts? A healthy, spirit-filled church need not be afraid of the truth in God’s beautiful creation, only need fear ignorance. I whole- heartedly endorse inclusion of GNRC as well as all LGBTIQ members of our community to be fully recognized and affirmed in the name of the Spirit of Jesus.
- Me, Colm Holmes, on behalf of We are Church International from Ireland endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: The World Meeting of Families has been saying “All Are Welcome”, but by excluding LGBTQI groups they have confirmed that only those who support Canon Law in full are welcome. This was also noticed when they removed LGBTQI photos from their booklet and deleted one minute of Bishop David O’Connell’s video because he referred to Gay couples raising children.
- Me, Felipe Ortiz, on behalf of Cristianos a la Izquierda from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Todos y todas somos católic@s.
- Me, Francesco Sichel, on behalf of Grupo LGTB Católicos from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Because all we have right to believe in god ! Time to change and be better !
- Me, Sergio Petroni, on behalf of Grupo Católicos Gay de Argentina from Argentina endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Todos somos catolicos a Dios nadie nos lo pueden quitar!!!
- Me, Elizabeth de los Ángeles Vera Jofré, on behalf of myself from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Gracias por darnos voz.
- Me, Ihor Tomkiw, on behalf of myself from Canada endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: We, LGBTIQ, are part of the Catholic family.
- Me, Mary E., on behalf of Women’s Alliance for Theology. Ethics, and Ritual (WATER) from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: All should be welcome. I am not sure what part of “all” they don’t understand. MEHunt
- Me, Suren Abreu, on behalf of Green Madcaps from India endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: On behalf of the Green Madcaps, a feminist, environmentalist, and LGBTQIA rights supporting group, I endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. We need to keep standing strong for inclusion and rights at every level and forum.
- Me, Juan Manuel Talavera Garcia, on behalf of Cristianos Inclusivos del Paraguay from Paraguay endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Los miembros de la comunidad LGBT+ también tenemos familias. Tenemos padres, madres, hermanos, hermanas, hijos, hijas y nuestras familias también cuentan. Existimos y somos también hijos e hijas de un Dios que es Padre y Amor.
- Me, José Silvera, on behalf of Cristianos Inclusivos del Paraguay from Paraguay endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Los miembros de la comunidad LGBT+ también tenemos familias. Tenemos padres, madres, hermanos, hermanas, hijos, hijas y nuestras familias también cuentan. Existimos y somos también hijos e hijas de un Dios que es Padre y Amor.
- Me, Ryan Sattler, on behalf of Call to Action Maryland from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Our Catholic Church and the Conference Leaders of of the Vatican Meeting on Families should not and cannot be afraid to open a serious and honest conversation with Catholic LGBTQI members. These leaders must realize that “these children of God” love their Church and thank God are not going to leave their Church. Church leaders, BE OPEN to the reality that same sex partners can fall in love, get married, and have a family all blessed by the God who loves them. Please listen to Fr. James Martin and begin building bridges to “your” catholic LGBTQI Community.
- Me, Hernan Javier Tello Carvajal, on behalf of Padis+ from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Construyamos la Iglesia juntos. Todos somos parte de una gran familia cómo hijos de Dios.
- Me, Anibal do Nascimento Liberal Neves, on behalf of CaDiv-Caminhar na Diversidade from Portugal endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: All kind of families are true families!
- Me, Bro. Brian McLauchlin, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: I support the work of GNRC for the inclusion LGBTQ people and their families.
- Me, Erich Mellado, on behalf of Padis+ from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Nuevamente un paso atrás por una parte de la iglesia jerárquica, que se interpone a la plena inclusión y respeto hacia la diversidad. Con el silencio como respuesta hacia la GNRC, se demuestra cómo la ideología conservadora continúa controlando la vida eclesial, las decisiones y la mirada amplia y evangélica que debiera tener. Muchos de los responsables de esto han creado la mal llamada “ideología de género”, concepto que más bien tiene que ver con ideologías políticas sesgadas e instaladas en la Iglesia.
- Me, Wendell Rodricks, on behalf of myself from India endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: I support this initiative as everyone should be accepted in the Catholic Church.
- Me, Lucás Galan Valenzuela, on behalf of Gay Catholics in Chile from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Hey.
- Me, Yareth Salazar, on behalf of myself from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: La iglesia no se puede perder lo mucho que tienen por entregar, dejarnos afuera por acción o supuesta ideología, no es el mensaje de Cristo. Todo mi apoyo GNRC.
- Me, Francisca Castillo, on behalf of myself from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Apoyo!
- Me, Albano Neves, on behalf of myself from Portugal endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Jesus loves all the families. LGBTI families are families too.
- Me, Diego José Ramírez Alcalde, on behalf of Kairos from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Pertenezco a la Arquidiócesis de Dantiaog de Chile, parroquia Nuestra Señora de Los Ángeles y me parece indispensable que GNRC tenga un stand y reste su apoyo a este evento.
- Me, Alecia Moss, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: GNRC is an important resource for Catholic families and should have been permitted to have a booth at the World Meeting. I endorse them and the wonderful work that they are doing to bring the reality of LGBTQ Catholics and their families into the light. Respect, compassion and sensitivity would have been a good place to start, rather than ignoring their request and letters until it was too late to attend.
- Me, Astrid Lobo Gajiwala, on behalf of myself from India endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Jesus reached out to the hurting and marginalized. It’s sad that those who purport to act in his name are partly responsible for the hurt and marginalization of LGBT families.
- Me, Virginia Saldanha, on behalf of India Women Theologians Forum from India endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: The Indian Women Theologians fully support the integration of LGBTI persons in the family ministry of the Catholic Church. Jesus would never leave out anyone from his ministry, so the Catholic Church must follow his example!!
- Me, 孙佳楠, on behalf of myself from China endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Hi.
- Me, Vicente Lazo, on behalf of Movimiento Juvenil Salesiano from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Dejemos que el amor y la misericordia de Dios se presente en nuestra iglesia. No hay contradicción. Seamos lo que el mundo necesita e, infundidos por el espíritu santo, logremos hacer maravillas en Su nombre.
- Me, Juan Alejandro Yain Castillo Quijada, on behalf of myself from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Es doloroso que una madre (desde la estructura) no nos abrace, sino que siga rechazándonos a través de la omisión o directamente la negación. También somos hijos. Abrazos a todos desde Santiago de Chile.
- Me, Claire Donohue Pluecker, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: It is way beyond time to accept all people as the children of God they are.
- Me, Arthur Henrique Queiroz de Paula, on behalf of Pastoral da Diversidade Sexual from Brazil endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Eu apoio este comunicado!
- Me, Pilar Segovia, on behalf of myself from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Apoyo la declaración de prensa de GNRC y comparto el sentimiento de malestar frente al accionar de la Iglesia Católica que margina y discrimina a las personas LGBTQ, negándose a siquiera abrir un diálogo.
- Me, Virginia Amelia Campos, on behalf of Pastoral da Diversidade Sexual São Judas Tadeu from Brazil endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Desejo que o assunto seja discutido.
- Me, Diana Harris, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: I fully support The position of the GNRC.
- Me, Rodolfo Vargas, on behalf of Colectivo TLGB from Bolivia endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Apoyamos a la organización.
- Me, Cornelio José Santiago Neto, on behalf of Rede Nacional de Grupos Católicos LGBTI from Brazil endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Manifesto minha consternação com a não inclusão de Grupos Católicos LGBTI no Encontro Mundial das Famílias.
- Me, Maria de Jesus Alves de Carvalho, on behalf of Rede Nacional de Grupos Católicos LGBTI from Brazil endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Acredito que é uma ignorância e até mesmo uma falta de respeito excluir LGBTI’s de uma formação como essas que vai falar sobre a importância da família… e até mesmo algo contrário ao que se deve viver como mandamento : “amar o próximo com a se mesmo” um mandamento que o próprio Cristo nos deixou… Então apoio sim a participação dos LGBTI.
- Me, Paul Teece, on behalf of myself from UK endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: As a practicing psychodynamic psychotherapist, an addict in recovery and a bisexual, celibate priest, I am saddened that the witness of so many loyal Catholics is being ignored. Our understanding of sexuality was revolutionised by Freud and those who followed him. My road to celibacy has deepened my understanding of my own sexuality and helps my work with others. I think we can all learn from a free and frank discussion with LGBYIQ communities and 12 step Fellowships. Paul
- Me, José Infante, on behalf of myself from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: I support the communicate.
- Me, Rosemarie Pace, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: The Catholic Church must recognize that families come in all forms, including LGBTQ. God makes us more diverse than the Church may want to accept. Love is what matters, and love can be as good and better in LGBTQ families than in my heterosexual families. Show your own love by including LGBTQ families.
- Me, Ed Schreurs, on behalf of myself from Netherlands endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Organizing this World Meeting of Families is left to bishops who in majority are ruled by laws of clericalism and exclusiveness. Ignore this mishap of Christianity. Forgive them their aberration. Their mind has no entrance.
- Me, Bernadette McPhee, on behalf of myself from Australia endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: As an individual I endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. I would expect my church to be a church of welcome and inclusion. We must celebrate the love and respect of all families. Oh what a wonderful world we could be?
- Me, Inclusive Catholics, on behalf of myself from Australia endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: The behaviour of Church leaders towards the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics is discourteous, unjust and unChristian. This is not the love and inclusiveness that Jesus taught.” On behalf of Inclusive Catholics we endorse the recent statement GNRC sent to us via Peter Johnstone , elected convenor Australian Coalition for Catholic Church Reform, with whom Inclusive Catholics are members. The exclusion of another Catholic group ”We Are Church Ireland” is also abhorrent!
- Me, Home of All Sinners and Saints, on behalf of myself from The World endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Hey!
- Me, European Forum of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender, on behalf of myself from Europe endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: We fully support Global Network of Rainbow Catholics in this matter.
- Me, Marylou Menezes, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: When we minimize, ostracize or silence voices we turn into the very antithesis of Christ’s love.
- Me, Greg Reynolds, on behalf of Inclusive Catholics Victoria Inc from Australia endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: There are no longer male and female, slave and free; we are all one in Jesus.
- Me, Joseanne Peregin, on behalf of Drachma Parents Group from Malta endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Offering humbly our five loaves and two fishes was sadly not accepted by WMoF – who knows what huge multitudes these could have and would have fed!? But GNRC nevertheless remains open and willing to dialogue.
- Me, Jan Coleman, on behalf of Inclusive Catholics Victoria Inc from Australia endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: I have always been very concerned about the cruelty meted out by the Catholic hierarchy to homosexuals, dishonouring and disregarding their individual conscience and stating that they are aberrant and intrinsically disordered. I have worked with Rainbow Sash and individuals in joining the drive to change the injustice and have homosexuals fully welcomed into the Catholic Church – if indeed they still wish to be part of this Church.
- Me, Brother Barnabas-Francis MacPhail, on behalf of myself from UK endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: LGBTI people are children of the same Father and our families are just as valid.
- Me, Cheryl Rogers, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: I Cheryl Rogers, from Buffalo, NY endorse the press release from the GNRC, on behalf of all of us from the LBGT community, who try under the most difficult situation, to remain Catholic, despite continued discrimination.
- Me, Louisa Grech, on behalf of Drachma Parents Group from Malta endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: So sad to see that “LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR” is still so far from being a reality in the Catholic Church.
- Me, Rene Reid, on behalf of Catholic Church Reform Int’l from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: If we are to be the Church Jesus established, then it must become an open, welcoming, and inclusive community. We can no longer allow the kind of language used – a disordered state – in official Church documents regarding the LGBT. They must be included in the World Meeting of Families. It is wrong to exclude them.
- Me, Denis Voight, on behalf of myself from Vietnam endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Unfortunately, our ‘leaders’ let us down, providing no example, hiding from issues, holding discredited understandings and making life unbearable for some and denying them access to that LIFE which the Gospel offers all of us, including minorities and those at the margins. Remember it is to the least that Christ came to establish the Kingdom. I fee so many Church people are not part of the Kingdom!
- Me, Carmel Conti, on behalf of myself from Malta endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Jesus would not have left anyone out.
- Me, Phyllis Sullivan, on behalf of myself from Malta endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: In my humble opinion the voices, experiences and realities of ALL Catholic families should be represented at any gathering discussing family issues.
- Me, Dr Kochurani Abraham, on behalf of Indian Women Theologians Forum from India endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Supports this initiative of GNRC, which is a significant move towards the inclusive politics of the Reign of God.
- Me, Pat Collinson, on behalf of myself from Australia endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: We are your brothers and sisters in the Church. Our families matter.
- Me, Michel Descamps, on behalf of myself from France endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Je souhaite que les signes d’ouverture manifestés par le pape François soient concrétisés à Dublin.
- Me, Bertrand Ducluzeau, on behalf of myself from France endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: J’apporte mon soutien à la reconnaissance et à l’accueil des personnes et des familles LGBTI au sein de l’Église catholique.
- Me, Franklin Rosenfeldt, on behalf of Inclusive Catholics from Australia endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: In Australia we recently had a national meeting of Catholic reform groups including a LGBTI group. We gave this group our full support.
- Me, Dr Anthony Favier, on behalf of David & Jonathan, mouvement LGBT chrétien from France endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Notre association apporte un chaleureux soutien à cette initiative. Si l’Eglise catholique souhaite devenir pleinement inclusive, elle doit s’ouvrir à toutes les diversités et reconnaître que, parmi les baptisés et les pratiquants de ses paroisses, l’homoparentalité est déjà présente. Prions pour que l’Esprit Saint souffle sur cette rencontre de Dublin !
- Me, Louise Laferla, on behalf of Drachma Parents from Malta endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: I endorse this Statement. Shutting people up and out by non-inclusion is an anti-witness to the Gospels, to the Good News.
- Me, Vivek Dsouza, on behalf of the QKnit from India endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: On behalf of The QKnit, an LGBT collective in India, I fully endorse the GNRC report and its Press statement. While The QKnit works for the most marginalised communities within the LGBTQ space, I firmly believe that a safe space of inclusion and acceptance is most vital. The safeguarding of rights and the dignity of LGBTQ Catholics is extremely important for an inclusive church. Jesus never discriminated and spread the good news to the people. If we have to sustain the church, it is imperative to include Catholic LGBT people in dialogue and practice to create a diverse and vibrant community full of love and respect.
- Me, Brard-Dupuy, on behalf of Pierre et Phillipe from France endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: En couple depuis 33 ans, mariés depuis 4 ans avec une bénédiction d’un prêtre catholique, l’un de nous deux est catholique pratiquant. Nous avons une fille marié (à une homme) qui est née d’une PMA, reconnue par l’un de nous et adoptée par l’autre, catholique pratiquante aussi et mère de deux enfants scolarisés dans un établissement catholique nous estimons avoir une famille qui doit être reconnue par l’église.
- Me, Ruta Simonyte, on behalf of myself from Lithuania endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Jesus loves all people and all the families equally.
- Me, Svenska kyrkan, on behalf of myself from Sweden endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Global Network of Rainbow Catholics har protesterat mot att en HBTQ-grupp som ansökt om att få vara med på World Meeting of Families på Irland som startar den 21 augusti inte fått något svar på om de får delta.
- Me, Antonio Ramón Cosías Gila, on behalf of Ichthys, Cristian@s LGBT+H de Sevilla from Spain endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Estamos a la entera disposición de la GNRC en todo lo que necesite.
- Me, Pedro Pablo Pérez Ochavo, on behalf of Ichthys, Cristian@s LGBT+H de Sevilla from Spain endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Mi nombre es Pedro Pablo y pertenezco al grupo ichthys lgtbh en España. Gracias por todo el apoyo y lucha que hacéis y hacemos todos los grupos. Tenemos el mismo derecho de estar presente como familias. Aún hay mucho que luchar.
- Me, Manuel López Martínez, on behalf of myself from Spain endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Como cristiano católico, casado y con dos hijas, manifiesto mi admiración por la agrupación de catolicos en la GNRC, y deploro la absurda e injusta pretendida ocultación de esta realidad de la Iglesia, en el Encuentro Mundial de las Familias.
- Me, Alfonso Ruiz de Arcaute, on behalf of Galea-Gasteiz from Spain endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: ¡Somos familias!
- Me, Christian Corrales, on behalf of Comunidad Católica de la Diversidad from Perú endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Es momento del cambiar.
- Me, Gabriela Morales López, on behalf of Comunidad Católica de la Diversidad from Perú endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Somos parte de esta sociedad, por lo tanto no nos pueden excluir. Seamos verdaderamente cristianos y tendamos puentes.
- Me, Fidel Mauricio Ramírez Aristizabal, on behalf of myself from Colombia endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Yo, Dr. Fidel Mauricio Ramirez, como teólogo y hombre de fe, que reconoce en el evangelio de nuestro Señor Jesucristo una apuesta preferencial por los y las excluidas, considero una causa justa la protesta de la Red Global de Católicos Arcoíris (GNRC). La jerarquía de la Iglesia Católica Romana no puede seguir invisibilizando las nuevas realidades familiares de creyentes que viven y expresan su adhesión desde el bautismo a la Iglesia de Cristo.
- Me, Luis Mariano E. Jugo Muñoz, on behalf of Comunidad Católica de la Diversidad from Perú endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Nuestro señor Jesucristo, nos recibe a todos por igual. Hay que seguir la linea de la misericordia liderada por nuestro papa Francisco.
- Me, Fernando Torres Millán, on behalf of Kairós Educativo from Colombia endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: La lucha es larga…pero es primavera eclesial!!! Y ustedes son expresión de ello… lucha nos alienta a seguir creyendo para seguir creando….otra iglesia es posible! Abrazo en la solidaridad que nos une y nos sostiene!
- Me, Satomi Shimada, on behalf of nijiTomo from Japan endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: I really appreciate your sustainable devotion. Thank you on the behalf of Japanese LGBTI Catholic.
- Me, Julio José Moreno Pomedio, on behalf of Grupo de Oración Zarsa Ardiente from Spain endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Creo que deben estar presente todas las realidades de Familias ya que no incluirlas es un retroceso a la realidad actual que hoy se vive…
- Me, Jairo Carrasco Martínez, on behalf of myself from Spain endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: El amor todo lo puede.
- Me, Astrid Lobo Gajiwala, on behalf of Satyashodhak from India endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: It is a tragedy that GNRC is deprived the opportunity to provide support to Catholics who have LGBTI family members and are struggling with many issues related to their acceptance in the Catholic church. The voices of these marginalized Catholics are critical to the Synod discourse on the family.
- Me, Colette Farrugia Bennett, on behalf of Malta LGBTIQ Rights Movement from Malta endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: MGRM endorses the statement and supports GNRC in its work. Excellent statement.
- Me, Romina Camilleri, on behalf of Drachma from Malta endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: What a shame, 2 steps forward, 10 steps backwards, same old story. How can we convince our children that the church fully accepts them when we receive this backlash!
- Me, Marta Sanchez, on behalf of myself from Spain endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Living in the 21 century, having advanced so much as a society as we have, is still shamefull that we deny typea families at an event like this. We are the religion of love so love without conditions and let more types of families being represented and accepted in a place like this.
- Me, Chihiro Nomiya, on behalf of myself from Japan endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Amen.
- Me, Jijo Kuriakose, on behalf of Queerala from India endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: We strongly stand for this much needed alliance as integration of Queer People with discourses centered on families is quite pivotal.
- Me, Thomas Bartsch, on behalf of Quest from UK endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: It is disappointing that, apparently, the voices of LGBTI families will not be heard at the World Meeting.
- Me, Jhon Alber Marin, on behalf of Centro de trabajadores Catolicos from Colombia endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Como católico, profesor y padre fe familia. Considero vital que nuestra iglesia permita los espacios para que se conzca, y se exprese los testimonios de vida y de fe desde la realidad que viven las familias LGBTI.
- Me, Manuel Blanca Ortega, on behalf of myself from Spain endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Todos y todas, hombres y mujeres, fe cualquier orientación sexual, hemos sido creados así por Dios desde el primer momento de nuestra concepción. Aceptar nuestra homosexualidad es aceptar la voluntad ver Ahora de Dios en mí.
- Me, Luis Alberto Córdova Ocupa, on behalf of Comunidad Católica de la Diversidad from Perú endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: 🙂
- Me, Alejandro Peña, on behalf of Comunidad Católica de la Diversidad from Perú endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: En aras de continuar la lucha por la igualdad plena y el respeto a la libertad de amar que tiene cada ser humano.
- Me, Maria Eugenia Valdés Ossa, on behalf of Pastoral Diversidad Sexual – Valparaiso Padis+ from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Es necesario que como católicos sigamos apostando por la total inclusión de todos!, y así hagamos visible todo el Cuerpo de Cristo.
- Me, Sahira Bustos, on behalf of myself from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Apoyo a la inclusión de los grupos LGTB dentro de la iglesia católica.
- Me, Maria Natalia Gutiérrez, on behalf of Siquen from Argentina endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: “Que todos sean uno para que el mundo crea…” Rezo para que esto sea posible en medio de la Iglesia. La comunidad LGBTI es una realidad, somos familia, somos Iglesia y tenemos mucho para compartir y necesidad de recibir.
- Me, Miluska Romero, on behalf of Religiosas a favor de un mundo más humano from Perú endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Si queremos un mundo más humano y respetar el derecho de las personas necesitamos incluir a todos.
- Me, Dionisio Rojas Mendoza, on behalf of myself from Colombia endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Apoyo la inclusión de la comunidad LGTBI como hijos de Dios con igualdad de dignidad y derechos en la Iglesia.
- Me, Francisco Covarrubias, on behalf of Padis+ from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Debemos ser incluidos
- Me, Paul Alejandro Endre Saavedra, on behalf of Padis+ from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Apoyen!
- Me, Marcelo Cárcamo, on behalf of myself from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Para una iglesia con lugar para todos, todas y todxs.
- Me, Miguel Angel Torres Cuenca, on behalf of Comunidad Católica de la Diversidad from Perú endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Apoyo a mi comunidad lgbt.
- Me, Rachael Alphonso, on behalf of myself from India endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Jesus was a feminist. Why aren’t we?
- Me, Gonzalo Alberto Valdés Valenzuela, on behalf of Padis+ from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: La concepción de familia debe incluir a todos los tipos de familias incluidas las homoparentales.
- Me, Diego Valenzuela Beytia, on behalf of Padis+ from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Yo, Diego Valenzuela, apoyo a las comunidades LGBT+ y su inclusión en la Iglesia Católica. Por eso mismo apoyo este comunicado de la GNRC. Gracias.
- Me, Gabor Kal, on behalf of Kaleidoscope community from Hungary endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Dear Organizers of WMoF, it is your responsibility to ensure or to block the appearance of LGBT families in this meeting. Consider please Pope Francis’ massage for Lent 2018: “…recognize what leaves a good and lasting mark on our hearts, because it comes from God and is truly for our benefits!”
- Me, Dr José Enrique Garcia González, on behalf of Ichthys cristian@s LGBT+H de Sevilla from Spain endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: LGBT Catholics should be there. Hopefully, one day, diversity, visibility and inclusion will be a reality in our Church.
- Me, Juanse Andújar, on behalf of Ichthys cristian@s LGBT+H de Sevilla from Spain endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Unidos desde el sur de España hacia todo el mundo y especialmente al colectivo LGBT cristiano
- Me, Onofre Lorete Sanchez, on behalf of Ichthys cristian@s LGBT+H de Sevilla from Spain endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Me gustaría que nuestra madre la Iglesia deje de tratarnos como lacra.
- Me, Lucas Franco Alcazar, on behalf of Ichthys cristian@s LGBT+H de Sevilla from Spain endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Firmado.
- Me, Oscar Manuel Escolano, on behalf of Crismhom from Spain endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Jesus was a feminist. Es necesario que la Iglesia deje de discriminar única y exclusivamente por mantener una serie de prejuicios acerca de la realidad LGTBI que no se basan en el Amor sino en el desconocimiento.
- Me, Judith Schönsteiner, on behalf of myself from Chile endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Firmado
- Me, Angela Abela, on behalf of University of Malta from Malta endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: We need to be speaking about this topic. Ignoring it is a mistake.
- Me, Josep Capella Moles, on behalf of myself from Spain endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Apoyo!!!
- Me, Davis Mac-iyalla, on behalf of IDNOWA from Western Africa endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: I support!!!
- Me, Ryan Sciberras, on behalf of myself from Malta endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Thank you for keeping on fighting 🙂
- Me, Michelle Pace Micallef, on behalf of myself from Malta endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: I’m sure in time the situation will improve, however it is very sad that it is taking so long for the Church to recognise and accept that these are in fact Catholic families who need guidance, care and support like all other members of the Church.
- Me, Michelle Ellul, on behalf of myself from Malta endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: The church really needs to live and let live!
- Me, Carmen Sivianes Ferrera de Castro, on behalf of myself from Spain endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Todo mi apoyo y oración con la GNRC de la que me siento parte. Seguimos unidxs, trabajando por el Reino. Un abrazo y gracias por vuestro trabajo.
- Me, Dumisani Dube, on behalf of Holy Trinity Catholic Church LGBTI Ministry from South Africa endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Gay rights are human rights.
- Me, Ssenfuka Joanita Warry, on behalf of Freedom and Roam Uganda from Uganda endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: I Ssenfuka joanita warry on behalf of Freedom and Roam Uganda /Ugandan LGBT Catholics endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release.
- Me, Kekeletso, on behalf of Southern African Rainbow Catholics from South Africa endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: Good day. The church must stop ignoring the fact that homosexual people do exist. We do not exist to be against the church but we exist and live because God loves us and we love our mother Church. Your rejection is painful and unbearable. We need the church to support us when the whole world is against us. We are rejected by our communities, our families and even worse the church. I pray that one day the most sacred heart of Jesus Will burn and shine into your hearts and see that what you are doing to the LGBTI+ people is against the love that Christ commissioned us to preach and spread. Yours in Christ Kekeletso Thipe Sacred heart of Jesus devotee.
- Me, Owengeye Tina, on behalf of Uganda Rainbow Catholics from Uganda endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comments: Please endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release.
- Me, Alicia Houston Nalunkuma, on behalf of Transgender Equality Uganda from Uganda endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comment: I Alicia Houston nalunkuma from Uganda and transgender catholic I endorse the GNRC and support it’s press release.
- Me, Brian Smith, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comments: It did at one point look hopeful, but I am very disappointed to hear of the organising committee’s refusal to grant Rainbow Catholics a space to show how they offer support to so many millions of catholics.
- Me, Martin Pendergast, on behalf of LGBT+ Catholics Westminster from UK endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comments: The rejection of the GNRC and others belies any messages of inclusion and denies that only some are welcome!
- Me, Teresa Ma, on behalf of Acceptance Melbourne from Australia endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comments: The Church needs to be INCLUSIVE of those who are marginalised.
- Me, Nathalie Chan, on behalf of Acceptance Melbourne from Australia endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comments: Love is love. If the LGBTI families are excluded it implies God’s love is not for all, which is not what we have been taught.
- Me, Mary, on behalf of myself from non specific place endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comments: I too support the action of protesting the apparent banning of inclusive representation of true Christian families.
- Me, Theo Smith, on behalf of European Forum of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender from Netherlands specific place endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comments: Read our stories in the book: “And God saw it all was very good.” Catholic LGBTI People in Europe Telling Their Stories. ISBN 978-90-8883-015-0 NUR 705
- Me, Marcia Ann Garber, on behalf of Dignity USA from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comments: I attended WMF 2015. My transgender son is no longer on this Earth because of Church’s complicity.
- Me, Mary Beth Cummings, on behalf of myself from USA endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comments: Thank for your advocacy for LGBTQI families!
- Me, Alicia Mercedes Strano, on behalf of myself from Argentina endorse the GNRC and support its Press Release. Comments: Mucho tenemos que trabajar para reconocer a los otros en la diferencia. Doy mi acogida respetuosa a Todos y Cada Uno de los miembros de los nuevos Modelos Familiares.
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Twitter: GNRCatholics Facebook: GlobalNetworkofRainbowCatholics
Le Réseau mondial des catholiques arc-en-ciel (GNRC) regroupe des organisations et des individus qui travaillent pour la pastorale et la justice pour les personnes lesbiennes, gays, bisexuelles, transgenres, intersexuelles et queer (LGBTIQ) et leurs familles. Nous travaillons pour l’affirmation, l’inclusion, la dignité et l’égalité de notre communauté arc-en-ciel dans l’Église catholique romaine et dans la société. Le GNRC a été fondé à Rome en octobre 2015 et légalement établi à Munich-Dachau en décembre 2017 et est enregistré en Italie.