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Have you met a long lost friend but found him with a brand new face? The GNRC Website has a refreshed design and has a lot of new sections and content. We maintain our commitment to support and give visibility to the hard work of many LGBTI Catholics and their families through our written and visual legacy. Find old and new sections such as Events, Publications, Press Releases, Multimedia and suggested Readings as well as organizational info about the GNRC at . Redesigned site description:

  • About: General information about the GNRC such as the Mission / Vision / Objectives and the Steering Committee composition, our allied groups (if your LGBTI Catholic Community is missing, or information needs to be amended, or you would rather not to be displayed here, please let us know )
  • Second Assembly: You´ll find the Save the Date message, the Invitation Letter and the Application Link (including the request for scholarships).
  • Events: Previous (e.g. Ways of Love / 1st Assembly) and Upcoming events (2nd Assembly) will be presented here. If you have a local event for sharing the GNRC community, please don’t hesitate to request it. We are also displaying an Event Calendar in the Right Side of the Page for an easier display of the earlier ones.
  • Publications: Main Library of content and materials developed by the GNRC and compiled in the GNRC Newsletter. You can also find specific articles linked to Witness, Letters and Reflection
  • Press Releases: Consolidated list of the GNRC PR´s in English, Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese (some exceptions can be found in Chinese too).
  • Multimedia: The GNRC Library including Videos and Press mention of GNRC.
  • Readings: Recommended lectures for teaching and learning about LGBTQI issues and the Catholic Church.