Invitation to the 3rd Assembly of the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics
Proud and Prophetic
LGBTI and Ally Catholics
30 June – 4 July 2019
Chicago, Illinois, United States
As LGBTI Catholics and Allies, we are truly Proud and Prophetic. We hold both our gender/sexual identities and our faith dear, and challenge both our Church and the secular LGBTI movement. We are often misunderstood by other Catholics and LGBTI people, even as we work to make both groups more just and inclusive. As religious oppression of LGBTI people increases, it is more important than ever for our voices to be heard in our Church and in our world.
From its inception in October 2014, the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics (GNRC) has brought together groups and organisations that provide pastoral care and advocacy and justice for LGBTI people. The Network strives for inclusion, dignity and equality of this community in the Roman Catholic Church and in the wider civil society. The GNRC held its 1st Assembly in October 2015 in Rome at the conference “Ways of Love,” with 80 participants from 30 countries. During its 2nd Assembly, “Hear A Just Cause, “in December 2017 in Munich/Dachau, Germany, GNRC was officially organized as an international charitable organisation. To date, the GNRC represents 32 allied groups across five continents.
Through this letter, we are delighted to invite you to the 3rd Assembly of the GNRC, to take place in Chicago from 30 June to 4 July 2019. This will be an exciting opportunity to share our stories and to continue to strive for equality and full inclusion for the LGBTI community in the Roman Catholic Church and in the many nations we represent. The local host for this assembly, DignityUSA, will also be marking its 50th anniversary, and is proud to welcome GNRC to Chicago, one of the USA’s most exciting and inclusive cities, as part of its celebration of this milestone. Furthermore, DignityUSA is inviting GNRC delegates to consider staying on in Chicago at the conclusion of our Assembly to be part of its special 50th Anniversary conference.
Aims of the Third Assembly
GNRC’s 3rd Assembly will enable us:
- to report on the progress made in establishing GNRC as the global voice of LGBTI Catholics and Allies, and as an international charitable organization
- to strengthen and expand the network of LGBTI and Ally Catholic leaders
- to define strategies in key areas such as
- dialogue with leaders of the Catholic Church
- promote best practices of pastoral work with LGBTI people and their families
- campaign for a Catholic statement against criminalization of LGBTI people
- confront the anti-gender and anti-woman rhetoric within the Catholic Church
- develop a media structure that will allow us to maximize the impact of our global voice.
The official language of our Assembly is English. Plenary sessions will also be translated into Spanish and other languages as needed.
Complementary Programme
The complementary programme of the Assembly includes:
- an introduction to Chicago’s “Legacy Walk,” the world’s only outdoor museum honouring the history and contributions of LGBTI people;
- a guided tour of the Legacy Walk (weather permitting);
- a reception at Chicago’s renowned LGBT Center on Halsted with civic, religious, and political leader from the Chicago area;
- a one-day forum on “The State of the Global LGBTI Catholic Movement” held in conjunction with DignityUSA and featuring leading Catholic theologians on LGBTI topics;
- a Eucharist service that will conclude the one-day forum;
- a festive dinner and opportunity to enjoy US Independence Day celebrations.
Pre-conferences for African, Asian, European and Latin American participants will start on Sunday, 30 June at 10:00 AM. Pre-conference delegates and early arrivers will be welcome to join Dignity/Chicago for liturgy and a social on Sunday evening. The conference for all other delegates begins Monday, July 1 at 2:00 PM.
Accommodation at the Assembly venue will be available starting from Sunday 30 June, with the following price range:
Single room from 30 June to 4 July (4 nights @ $105.00/night): $420.00
Single room from 1 July to 4 July (3 nights @ $105.00/night): $315.00
Double room from 30 June to 4 July (4 nights @ $85/night): $340.00
Double room from 1 July to 4 July (3 nights @ $85/night): $255.00
These prices include accommodations, all meals, travel and tours to Chicago sites and the forum on “The State of the Global LGBTI Catholic Movement”.
For those attending the Conference during the day but not needing accommodations at the Cenacle, the costs are as follows:
From 30 June to 4 July (4 nights @ $42.00/day): $168.00
From 1 July to 4 July (3 nights @ $42.00/day): $126.00
Additional accommodation
If you plan to attend the pre-conferences or would like to stay on for the DignityUSA Conference, please note that an additional booking needs to be made to cover these supplementary days. The Cenacle will not be available for accommodation before the 30th June and after the 4th July, so accommodation will be available at the HI Chicago Hostel, close to the Assembly venue. The costs are as follows:
June 28, 29 $38 – $44/night for space in 10, 8, or 4 bed room
July 5, 6 $38 -$44/night for space in 10, 8, or 4 bed room
July 7, 8 $36 – $42/night for space in 10, 8, or 4 bed room
Bookings will be made on a first-come-first-served basis, with a preference for those who are attending the DignityUSA conference.
The deadline for scholarship applications for the GNRC Assembly has now passed.
Deadline for self-paying registrants is 15 March 2019.
To apply and register for the GNRC Assembly, please click here
You will receive a letter of confirmation within 14 days after registration with further information on the payment procedure.
Registration for the DignityUSA conference is now open, and GNRC folks are most welcome to attend!
For information and to register for the DignityUSA conference, click here
For the scholarship application for the DignityUSA conference, click here. Applications for scholarships for the DignityUSA conference are due March 31, 2019.
We look forward to your application and to seeing you in Chicago in July! We extend our best wishes for 2019. May God bless us all!

Ruby Almeida Christopher Vella
(Co-Chairs of GNRC)
Contact for questions about the Assembly:
For more information on GNRC:
The Assembly is financially supported in part by the Arcus Foundation.