Throught the Pre-conferences, Workshops and the Extraordinary Assembly Meeting the GNRC had four days of hard work that engaged, commited and strenghtened our organization.
Welcome to Chicago!
Our host DignityUSA welcomed us with a huge smile, a starter kit and the general guidelines about the Cenacle Retreat and Conference Center.
Inaugural Ceremony
During the inaugural activity we received the greetings from our absent friends and allies. After that we had the chance to receive inspiring speeches from our members, but also we had the chance to remember who couldn´t join us due to the denial of Travel Visas.
Extraordinary Assembly
The Pre-conferences and workshops leaded us into the general discussions about oncoming years GNRC agenda and the New Board election.
Conjoint Conference with DignityUSA
This conference was the opportunity to offer to our General Assembly and the DignityUSA National Meeting attendants to get awareness about the different situations that LGBT+ Catholics face worldwide through our Regional representatives.