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Proud and Prophetic Impressions
More than fifty people from all over the world gathered in Chicago for the Third Assembly of the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics. You can read here the affirmative and positive impressions from its attendants as the work done keeps inspiring us to continue the GNRC work.

“Coinciding with the 50th anniversary conference of DignityUSA, and the 50th anniversary of Stonewall, the Third Assembly was a very powerful and inspiring experience that I will never forget. I know it will lead to stronger relationships and cooperation within GNRC, and greater effectiveness for GNRC as a global voice and advocate for LGBTQI Catholics.” Jeffrey Stone, DignityUSA – USA

“Meeting fellow rainbow catholic advocates from around the world during the GNRC Assembly was inspiring. Knowing that there are others like me gives me strength and courage to continue the fight for inclusion and justice. Although we have gone back to our respective countries, these kindred spirits will always be close to my heart.” Miel Feria, Rainbow Catholics Philippines – Philippines

“Every time GNRC gets together in assembly, you feel the Spirit of God inspiring all of us to go forth in announcing the Gospel of Jesus to the world, especially to LGBTI+ people who are still not fully understood and accepted by the Church.” Lula Ramirez, Grupo de Açao Pastoral de Sao Paulo – Brazil

“I welcome the simultaneous occurrence of the 50th anniversary of Stonewall riots and the 50th anniversary of DignityUSA: when an honest commitment for civil rights and a deep reflection about faith and homosexuality go hand in hand the whole society gains an advantage.” Luca Galli, Cammini di Speranza – Italy

“The 3rd assembly was another opportunity for us to meet in person, learn more about the progress of GNRC and to elect a new board as well as sharing ideas on how progressively the network will run.” Joanita Ssenfuka, FARUG – Uganda

“I very much appreciated meeting you and others from outside of North America. For me, it was like being back in 1965-1970, experiencing a strong sense of community and communion at the Eucharist. I also enjoyed the presentations made by the three guest speakers both at the Cenacle retreat center and at the hotel on the last day.” Frank Testing, Dignity Canada Dignité – Canada

“The assembly was incredible in terms of its theme and welcoming approach to everyone with relevant and inspirational topic areas. It was very well presented and focused, with the organizing hosts doing a fantastic job making everything work. Thank you again for all your great work and that of the committee.” Paolo Alacqua, Acceptance Sydney – Australia

“The working groups, which supplied us with remarkable outputs during the hard workdays, made us understand that our major difference is only the distance, but our similarities are more and make us stronger. It was a work guided by God, to help and invite us to act. Not only doing what is written but going further.” Maritza Fuenzalida, Pastoral de la Diversidad Sexual – Chile

“I really enjoyed the conference as it was a source of inspiration and a chance to somehow strengthen my conviction that LGBT Catholic advocacy makes sense. It gave me a sense of belonging, knowing that there are others out there doing the same work and having similar joys and struggles.” Martin Kolenic, Gay Christian Slovakia – Slovakia

“This Third Assembly was so full of God’s Blessings, it gave me more tools about how to coordinate my community and gave me more visibility of how all other people in the world are facing some issues that we may have or had. In few words, this was a Divine experience.” Rodrigo Baker, Efeta – Mexico

“It was a joyful inter communitarian gathering, with the meeting of new faces and names as well as the work that is on deployment in each country. I am convinced that the GNRC will soon reach a faster rhythm and we all will see how we reach our common and shared dreams for transformation.” Luis González, CRISMHOM – Spain

“The experience in Chicago was very enriching. The space to know the realities in different countries and to exchange experiences that facilitate our daily life in local communities, made possible to renew our faith in our difficult journey. What strengthened me most was the knowledge that we are not alone, that we are many all over the world and we want the same, to be an integral part of our church.” Isabella Tymburiba, Rede Nacional de Grupos Catolicos LGBT – Brazil