Did you know that there are more than twenty Catholic parents´groups of LGBT+ people? Here you can find a sample list of those who are GNRC members or allies worldwide:
- 3 Volti Genitori (Italy): Sponsored by “La Tienda de Gionata”, they published on January 2020 a book called “Genitori Fortunati” (free download available in Italian and Spanish). Some video witness testimonies can be found here.
- Crismhom Parents´Group (Spain)
- CVX Equipo Misión Familia (Spain)
- Davide di Parma (Italy)
- Drachma Parents´Group (Malta): They are committed to encourage and uphold LGBT people and their families in an effort to create more awareness of the difficulties faced because of the stigma society attaches to persons with a different sexual orientation.
- EFAG (Argentina)
- Fortunate Families (USA): supports LGBTQ+ sisters and brothers by facilitating respectful conversation and sharing personal stories within dioceses, parishes and communities, especially with bishops, pastors and Church leadership.
- Ichthys+CVX Family (Spain)
- Padis+ Parents´Group (Chile): A group of parents gathered together under the guidance and teachings of CVX Santiago. They offer pastoral care and support for parents of LGBT+ children during what they refer as “the coming out of the parent”.
- Parents and Families of LGBTAIQ People (South Korea): Recently they were awarded by the South Korean civil society due to its support for inclusion of LGBT+ people.
- Scuola Eucaristica di Inclusione Umana (Italy)
Our Parents´Groups are pretty active in supporting and advocating for their LGBT+ children. Both Drachma Parents Group and 3 Volti Genitori have published books about witness about being parents of a LGBT+ person. Also, the groups are very active by being present in major activities of the LGBT+ community – such as the Pride parades – or searching for dialogue with the Church officials through letters and direct meetings. But above all, they enjoy to tell everybody how blessed, proud and fortunate they consider themselves of their LGBT+ children.
Do you know other groups? Please send us your feedback to media@gnrcatholics.org