This compilation include some remarkable suggested readings on Pastoral Care for the LGBTIQ community and their families. Even we don´t know from where to start as there are so many options and all come from great contributions.
Allways our Children – Author: US Conference of Catholics Bishops. English : A Pastoral Care Message to Parents of Homosexual Children and Suggestions for Pastoral Ministers.
Building a Bridge – Author: Father James Martin sj. Chinese / English / Dustch / German / Italian / Korean / Lithuanian / Spanish : Martin uses the image of a two-way bridge to enable LGBT Catholics and the Church to come together in a call to end the “us” versus “them” mentality. Turning to the Catechism, he draws on the three criteria at the heart of the Christian ministry—”respect, compassion, and sensitivity”—as a model for how the Catholic Church should relate through Pastoral Care to the LGBT community.
Called to Blessing – Author: Working Group pf Catholic Gay Pastors, the Netherlands. Dutch / German : The WKHP addressed you, our brothers and sisters in the Roman Catholic Church in the Netherlands, with a pastoral care letter concerning faith and (homo) sexuality. We especially wished to declare that friendship, love and sexuality between people of the same sex can and may be experienced as a blessing.
Creating Safe Environments for LGBT Students: A Catholic Schools Perspective – Author: Michael J Bayly. English : The book is a comprehensive training guidebook for educators who are committed to diversity and the full inclusion of LGBT students in every aspect of the Catholic high school experience. Based on five years of pilot testing in Catholic schools, this unique book emphasizes safe-staff training in integrating the Church’s pastoral care, social, and moral dimensions with the special needs of LGBT students.
NEW! Embrace a Rainbow (Original: Abrazar un Arcoíris) – Author: Fr Luis Garcia sj. Spanish : The book invites the reader to welcome and touch the reality of human diversity beyond sexual identity, where every person is respected as a daughter of God, always taking into consideration the gifts and qualities that in community can be offered to the Christian life and recognizing the need for a permanent dialogue with the different ways of living the faith in the Gospel.
Faith Beyond Resentment: Fragments of a Catholic and Gay – Author: James Alison. English / Italian / Portuguese / Russian / Spanish : Discrimination against gays and lesbians extends from the highest echelons of the Catholic Church to the pews. For James Alison, a gay Catholic theologian, the key to moving beyond resentment is a radical re-conversion to the gospel message of God s love and understanding that even those in power are our brothers and sisters.
Homosexual Catholics: How to Get Out of the Ally (original: Homossexuais Católicos: Como sair do impasse) – Author: Claude Besson. Portugues : Is it possible to live the homosexuality and the Christian faith inside the Catholic Church? Claude Besson calls the Christian Communities and invites the Catholic Church to reopen this question to get out of the ally from an useless speech. From multiple approximations – theological, biblical, anthropological and witnessing – this book wish to help people to live their homosexuality in the Christian Faith and give a contribution for LGBTI pastoral care.
Homosexuality: Catholic Teaching and Pastoral Practice – Author: Gerald Coleman. English : An in-depth, thorough and respectful presentation of the Catholic position on homosexuality, from a theological and pastoral care perspective.
Our Children are a Gift (Original: Uliedna Rigal) – Author: Multiple Authors. Maltese (Direct Sale in Maltese Bookstores) : For the past eight years, the Drachma Parents Group had come in contact with several parents and over the years, a wealth of experiences had accumulated. Parents noted common trends and patterns in their narratives and the obvious question that most asked: how can we pass on this experience to other parents? How can we be a sign of hope?
Setting the Table: Preparing Catholic Parishes to Welcome LGBT – Author: James A. schexnayder. English : A resource for parishes which would like to explore how their communities may become pastoral care safe, supportive and healing places for people whose lives, faith, and spirituality have been challenged and enriched by their sexual identity and personal integration.
The Remarkable Gift: Being Gay and Catholic – Author: Maurice Shinnick. English : Maurice Shinnick argues that homosexuality should be seen as a gift from God, rather than a curse. He shows how attitudes to homosexuality have developed in different Christian denominations around the world and offers a careful re-reading of Catholic teaching. This Remarkable Gift calls for a genuine dialogue between the Church and gay and lesbian people and offers a guide to the paths such a dialogue could follow.