Luis Clemente is a postgraduate in philosophy and a board member of Crismhom (Christian ltgbi community in Madrid). He was born in Seville (Spain) in 1992 where he started a degree on Law and Political Science and continues studying from the point of view of philosophy and theology.
In his youth he participated in many groups of faith in the parish of his town and also in the famous brotherhood of Andalusia like a board member. He later joined the Society of Jesus Seminar in 2013 and had a period of Ignatian formation for 5 years. During this time he countributed in the developmente of pastoral care university groups, and also with aid for homeless people (Caritas) and refugees in Basque Country and in Rome with the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS).
In Madrid he continued studies of Philosophy in the University of Comillas, where he participated in its Pastoral group. He also developed a catechism itinerary for young people at a Jesuit Catholic school. In 2018, Luis Clemente joined in Crismhom and since last year he is formally a board member.
He oriented his studies in relation between Philosophy and Theology-spirituality.
Luis Clemente is interested in how to deep the relationship with Jesus from our diversities. In addition, he think that is necessary to make the LGBTI community visible; in fact, it´s his personal committment to deep the personal relationship in order to transmit from the Gospel that, the diversity, is what God wants and is what enriches our communities.
From Ignatian spirituality and the key to discernment, he believes that we must be conscious about where the Spirit leads us. He support the importance of welcoming, hospitality, and personal experience in a God who identifies with the small and dropout people and who calls us to accompany all people.