The General Asembly has just began! Follow each activity in our timeline
Thursday 4th July:
- 05:00 PM: A liturgy closes the Third GNRC Assembly. The Mission of being Proud and Prophetic LGBTQI Catholics will continue beyond the Assembly for all the GNRC Members, Allies and Friends.
- 02:00 PM: During the afternoon, forum attendees participated in breakout groups on topics such as anti-LGBTQI criminalization, women’s issues, relationships with the hierarchy, and gender identity.
- 11:30 AM: Three U.S. theologians addressed the theological mandate to do LGBTQI justice work: Miguel Diaz, Mary Hunt and Fr Bryan Massingale.
- 10:00 AM: A forum relates the audience about the current situation of LGBTQI Catholics arround the world. The forum is leaded by Dignity USA and introduced by Regional representatives:
- Africa: Joanita Ssenfuka (FARUG, Uganda) and Ryan Kollano (Upperrift Minorite, Kenia)
- Asia-Pacific: Eva Callueng (Rainbow Catholics Philippines) and Benjamin Oh (Acceptance Sydney)
- Europe: Luca Galli (Cammini di Speranza, Italy) and Michael Brinkschroeder (HuK, Germany).
- Latin-america: Carlos Navarro (Red Arcoiris México, México) and Fernando González (Padis+).
- North-america: Robert Shine (New Ways Ministry, USA) and Marianne Duddy-Burke (DignityUSA, USA).
- 09:00 AM: The GNRC delegates and representatives move from the Cenacle to the NI Hotel for a joint meeting with DignityUSA for the Forum “The State of the Global LGBTI Catholic Movement”.
Wednesday 3rd July:
- 07:30 PM: The Assembly receives the New Board in a highly spiritual and emotional ceremony aiming them to give their best during their directive period.
- 07:00 PM: The New Board held their first meeting and decides to have their first online meeting by the end of the month. Their first task will be the internal election of the Co-chairs, Secretary and Treasury elections.
- 05:00 PM: We have a New Board! Seven new delegates – representing the five geographical regions and two for Gender/LGBTQI representativeness are elected:
- Africa Delegate: Dumisani Dube (Holy Trinity Catholic Church LGBTI Ministry, South Africa).
- Asia-Pacific Delegate: Eva Callueng (Rainbow Catholics Philippnes, Philippines)
- Europe Delegate: Michael Brinkschroeder (HuK, Germany)
- Latinamerica Delegate: Carolina Cuarenta (Red Arcoiris Mexico, Mexico)
- Northamerica Delegate: Marianne Duddy-Burke (DignityUSA, USA)
- Women Delegate: Ruby Almeida (Quest, England)
- LGBTQI Delegate: Christopher Vella (Drachma, Malta)
- 04: 30: The New Board election for the 2019/2021 period beggins.
- 04:00 PM: Proposal for the Constitution documents are also presented and discussed, including those that will be deeply reviewed for the future Board during the next period.
- 03:30 PM: The presentation includes the ratification of the Agenda, the Board Report and the Commites status to the Assembly.
- 03:00 PM: The Ordinary Assembly begins – Co-chaired by Jeffrey Stone (DignityUSA) and Isabella Elian (Rede Nacional de Grupos Católicos LGBT). The Ordinary Assembly is also supported by Joanita Ssenfuka (FARUG) and Michael Clifton (David et Jonathan) – as relators – and Leo Egashira and Miel Feria – as minute takers. Both Ordinary Assembly Co-chairs, Relators and Minute Takers are ratified by the attendants.
- 02:00 PM: The results of the workshops are presented to the Assembly.
- 12:00 PM: The third and last part of the Workshops starts. The conclusions and results will later be shared with the New GNRC Board.
- 10:00 AM: The Theologial Address presented by Mary Hunt and Miguel Diaz portrayed the summarized situation of being LGBTI or a Woman in the Catholic Church thru specific testimonies. The exposition was followed by a round of questions and comments by the attendants.
- 07:30 AM: Last Mass in the Lady Chapel.
Tuesday 2nd July:
- 06:00 PM: A special dinner is served in the Chicago LGBT Center for the atendants and to recognize the contribution of the Assembly sponsors.
- 04:00 PM: The leaders and delegates moves to the Chicago LGBT Center to learn about the Center history, the contribution of LGBT citizens in the United States in the Open Street Museum and learn about Health Services Associations working in Chicago.
- 11:30 AM: Workshops starts in individual rooms with different subjects related to the Network development: Outreach, Visibility,
- 11:00 AM: Paolo Alacqua mentions the work about the Membership Committe, including the addition of 8 new GNRC members during the past two years. Also he aimed the Assembly to involve and commit into the new Board election for the Mid 2019 – Mid 2020 period.
- 10:30 AM: The summaries of the Regional Pre-conferences are shared with the Assembly.
- Africa: The official State criminalization and prosecution continues as the manin threat. Work for decriminalization is the 1st tasck for the region.
- Latinamerica: Re-actionary religious and polytical groups are working together so it´s time to develope colaborative strategies among the LGBTI Catholic/Christian groups.
- Asia: Visibility is required for inclusion as Asian Churches tend to be more conservative, then advocacy is needed against discrimination in religious and work places.
- Europe: Multiple realities are faced between western/central/eastern zones, then share intelligence and good practices would be considered as a must.
- Northamerica: They must deal with the aging membership and how to approach the younger generations.
- 10: 15 AM: Special guest Rick Foster – activist journalist from USA – relates his research about the experiences and lives of LGBT refugess in Africa.
- 10:00 AM: First Plennary Session hosted by Maritza F and Jibo K begins.
- 09:30 AM: Innitial Praying inspired by Anointed with Oil.
- 07:30 AM: A morning mass inspires everybody to continue with the work on the second day of the General Assembly.
Monday 1st July:
- 04:30 PM: Carolina Cuarenta (and Miroslav Tommason expreses their ideas about how the GNRC and the General Assembly are a moment for everybody to strenght our faith in our dream for inclusion and Justice in the Church.
- 04:15 PM: Video greetings from Eros Shaw (China), Fr James Martin sj (USA), Joleen Mataele (Tonga), Mary MacAleese (Ireland), Fidel Ramirez (Colombia) and 알파오메가- Alpha Omega (South Korea) are presented to the Assembly.
- 04:00 PM: First Assembly Session: The LGBT Catholic/Christian delegates and leaders are welcomed by the Co-chairs Christian Vella and Ruby Almeida.
- 02:30 PM: An opening Prayer is celebrated in the Main Chapel for the begin of the General Assembly activities.
- 01:00 PM: Pre-conference meetings are over and the regional communities register all the results and conclusions in individual reports for the Board.
- 09:30 AM: A sung liturgy if the frame for the second part of the regional pre-conferences.
- 07:30 AM: A morning mass inspires everybody to continue with the work on the second day of the General Assembly.
Sunday 30th June
- 03:00 PM: The latinamerican, asian and european meeting starts the pre-conferences before the General Assembly.
- 02:30 PM: A prayer stars the pre-conference meetings for Africa, Europe, Latinamerica and Asia.
- 09:00 AM: The LGBTI Catholics/Christians leaders and delegates arrive to the Cenacle for their registration and program schedule presentation.
Saturday 28th
- 6:00 PM: The GNRC Board is welcomed with a Mass by DignityUSA in a welcoming Church in Chicago.