by Fernando Gonzales | May 1, 2020 | Italian
La rete globale dei cattolici arcobaleno apprezza il sostegno finanziario fornito dal Vaticano ad un gruppo di donne transgender in Italia richiesto da Papa Francesco. English / Spanish / Portuguese / French / Italian / Chinese 1 maggio 2020. Papa Francesco ha...
by Fernando Gonzales | May 1, 2020 | Press release
The Global Network of Rainbow Catholics celebrates the Vatican’s economic support to a group of transgender women in Italy requested by Pope Francis English / Spanish / Portuguese / French / Italian / Chinese May 1, 2020. Pope Francis surprised the world yesterday...
by Fernando Gonzales | Sep 1, 2016 | Diversity, Pastoral Care
The unique and rich gifts of LGBTI people for the Church comes from the diversity of Sexual Orientations as well as Gender Identity. English / Español / Française / Italiano / Portugues Transgender (T) and intersex (I) persons, same as...
by Fernando Gonzales | Aug 4, 2016 | Press release
The Global Network of Rainbow Catholics (GNRC) declares: “Gender Identity is not a social trend or a sin against God” Versión en Español / Version Française / Versione Italiana / Versao Portuguesa August 4, 2016. The Global Network of Rainbow Catholics...