by Fernando Gonzales | Sep 4, 2016 | Album
GNRC members joined the Pride Parade 2016 making public their presence in society and inside the LGBTI community. OTRAS OVEJAS – BOGOTA, COLOMBIA / JUNE OTRAS OVEJAS – BOGOTA, COLOMBIA / JUNE OTRAS OVEJAS – BOGOTA, COLOMBIA / JUNE OTRAS...
by dekaz | Sep 4, 2016 | Multimedia
GNRC members joined the Pride Parade 2016 making public their presence in society and inside the LGBTI community. OTRAS OVEJAS – BOGOTA, COLOMBIA / JUNE OTRAS OVEJAS – BOGOTA, COLOMBIA / JUNE OTRAS OVEJAS – BOGOTA, COLOMBIA / JUNE OTRAS...
by Fernando Gonzales | Aug 31, 2016 | Multimedia
The Global Network of Rainbow Catholics called their Members, at the beginning of July 2016, to request for their living testimony of faith for the Orlando Shooting Attacks. We would like to thank to all the people and groups that contributed in the development of...