Gabriella Caramore was born in Venice. She now lives and works in Rome. She is an essayist, and a radio documentary script writer. she ptoduces and presents the religious culture program “Men and prophets”. She is the editor of a series of spirituality texts for the Morcelliana publishing house. She taught “Religions and communication” at the La Sapienza University in Rome.
Her publications include: La fatica della luce. Confini del religioso, (The ordeal by light. The borders of the religious) Morcelliana 2008. Nessuno ha mai visto Dio (No one has ever seen God), Morcelliana 2012; Come un bambino. Saggio sulla vita piccola (Like a child: An essay on a small life) (Morcelliana 2013). Le domande dell’uomo (The questions of man), with Maurizio Ciampa, La Scuola 2013; Pazienza, (Patience),The Mill 2014.