
The GNRC Board is committed to addressing the fierce challenges and inequities that our LGBT+ communities face the world over. Our goal is to highlight the persecutions brought about by the unjust civil laws that mark them out as criminals and for the guilty and shameful collaboration by the Catholic hierarchy who use weaponise our faith against the community.
GNRC already has implemented the first phase of its campaign and published a report on Lay Catholic LGB Discrimination in the 21st Century. We now strive to work towards achieving our goal to research and report on the realities of our Trans communities around the world through
story-telling projects, academic research on pastoral work and justice and working with our secular and Catholic stakeholders which will enable a sustained advocacy campaign against violence towards our LGBT+ communities.
News and Articles

Grant me Justice: Exhibition on "Criminalisation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People and the Catholic...
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