by Fernando Gonzales | Nov 25, 2021 | Latin America, Prophecy
You may find the Rainbow Letter to the Ecclesial Assembly available in English, Spanish and Portuguese. FROM THE LATINAMERICAN COMMUNITIES OF THE GLOBAL NETWORK OF RAINBOW CATHOLICS AND ALLY GROUPS TO THE ECCLESIAL ASSEMBLY November 26, 2021 Dear Latin-American...
by Fernando Gonzales | Nov 4, 2021 | Decriminalisation, Europe, Prophecy
Prominent Roman Catholics concerned about the fate of three women who stood up for Polish LGBTI rights Many prominent Dutch Roman Catholics have expressed their concerns about the three persecuted Polish women Elzbieta, Anna and Joanna in a letter. They were charged...
by Fernando Gonzales | Oct 31, 2021 | Africa, Decriminalisation, Press release, Prophecy
Global Network of LGBTIQ+ Catholics claims that “the Church must stand with the weak and the persecuted” in Ghana GNRC advocates for the threatened Ghanaian LGBTIQ+ community due to the advances of new criminalization bill supported by Ghana’s Catholic...
by Fernando Gonzales | Sep 21, 2021 | Diversity, Europe, Latin America, Prophecy, Womyn
In Bisexual Awareness Week and Visibility Day, we celebrate the lives and experiences of our bisexual siblings all over the world. Three brave rainbow Catholics share their witnesses about being bisexual and faithful Catholics beyond the prejudices among their sexual...
by Fernando Gonzales | Nov 14, 2020 | Europe, Prophecy
Catholic Church in Poland distracts from the abuse scandal English / Spanish In Poland, the government and the Catholic church are openly inciting hatred against people from the LGBTQ community, the Archbishop of Krakow even described them as a rainbow plague. Note:...
by Fernando Gonzales | Sep 1, 2020 | Europe, Prophecy
Open Letter to the Bishops of Poland from the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics (GNRC): PROTECT YOUR LAMBS “We would hope that as our shepherds and pastors you would use every means available to you to protect the dignity and human rights of every person entrusted...