by Fernando Gonzales | Jan 30, 2020 | Multimedia
The presence of the Lord was imperative by the begining and ending of each working day. All our sisters and brothers contributed with their uniques gifts to give a wide and diverse cultural representation during the morning prayers, liturgies and other simbolic...
by dekaz | Oct 10, 2019 | Multimedia
GNRC Pride Album 2019 Thanks to everybody who shared their pics with us thru the different Pride celebrations worldwide from February to September 2019. We would like to thank to all the people and groups that contributed in the development of this album. If your...
by Fernando Gonzales | Jul 2, 2018 | Multimedia
Happy Pride to all those celebrating from March to July! Don’t forget to send us your photos, so we can add them to our Pride album! You´ll see how we, as LGBTQI Catholics, are also part of the joy and colors surround the parades. We would like to thank to all...
by Fernando Gonzales | Jan 6, 2018 | Multimedia
We had the great chance to gather for pre-conferences for the Africa, Asia/Pacific and South American Regions. Asia Pacific Pre-conference South America Pre-conference...
by dekaz | Jan 6, 2018 | Multimedia
We prayed to God during the morning/night prayers, celebrated a liturgical service in the Carmelites Chappelle at Dachau and assisted to an amazing Mass at the...
by dekaz | Jan 6, 2018 | Multimedia
Of course we had time for sharing and meet each other during breakfasts, coffee breaks, meals and dinners!...